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Epidemiology of sepsis & inflammation in critically ill patients

Bayesian, Epidemiology, Prediction

Research aim

We design and conduct clinical epidemiological research focused on risk stratification, early diagnosis, and novel treatment of critically ill patients with severe infections.

About us

We aim to continuously improve outcomes for patients by designing and conducting high-quality clinical research with impact. Our expertise lies in research methodology for prognostic, diagnostic, and intervention studies in patients with sepsis in the ICU and/or after major surgery. Our longstanding biobanks (MARS and PLUTO) contribute to an increased understanding of (nosocomial) infections, and serve as the basis for local, regional, national, and international collaborations with both academic and commercial partners. Our leadership of a Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial Adaptive Platform trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP) enables us to pioneer innovative trial methodologies. We coordinate the AI Methods lab at UMC Utrecht and are engaged in data repositories like the Dutch MONITOR-ICU and ICUdata initiatives, as well as a European perpetual observational study on ventilator-associated pneumonia, all of which generate opportunities for data science projects.

Our group collaborates closely with the Julius Center to advance methodology for (Bayesian) adaptive platform trials. The REMAP-CAP global network serves as a basis for ongoing international collaborations. We maintain close ties with the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (Ecraid), are affiliated with the International Forum for Acute Care Trialists (InFACT), and foster numerous partnerships with industry.