Pediatric pulmonology

Cystic Fibrosis, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Respiratory Diseases

Research aim

We unravel biological, clinical and psychosocial aspects of lung diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and oncology to continuously improve diagnosis and treatment by implementing latest scientific insights into clinical care.

About us

Our Pediatric Pulmonology group includes molecular scientists, medical doctors, epidemiologists, psychologists, nurses and technicians. The team stimulates and cherishes an interdisciplinary approach of all patient-oriented research questions. The efforts of each team member focus on improving care for patients in a life course perspective.

The group harbors a full and effective bench to bedside pipeline from fundamental research into novel cellular disease models. An international biobank with patient derived stem cell models of patients with Cystic Fibrosis, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and other respiratory diseases enables rapid drug testing in our laboratory, which can be translated into the clinic.

We conduct cohort studies collecting clinical data on long term outcomes of diseases and interventions. Besides physical parameters extensive Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) are collected to study interactions between physical and mental aspects of diseases. We hold strong links with the faculty of Social Sciences of Utrecht University. Data are stored using FAIR principles to facilitate exchange with all stakeholders.

We strongly invest in development and execution of clinical trials focusing on innovative therapies, including CFTR-modulators, mRNA and gene therapies to offer patients the best opportunity to benefit from advances in medicine. Studies are performed in well-established international networks like the ECFS Clinical Trial Network and ERN-LUNG.