Principal Investigator(s)


Fetal growth, Global health, Pregnancy

Research aim

In pregnancy maternal and fatal disease can develop. We aim to improve both maternal and fetal health by studying both maternal disease and fetal development. Global health, digital innovation, fetal medicine and maternal disease are the focus.

About us

Our research group focuses on improving maternal and fetal health for all women globally, having healthy or complicated pregnancies. Innovation and implementation of novelty is our focus. By means of monitoring, intervention strategies, novel therapies to improve outcome for mother and child.

1. Finding optimal treatment strategies for women with hypertensive disease of pregnancy and/or fetal growth restriction, through big data cohort studies and development of novel therapy strategy (group Lely, link website)
2. Evaluating outcomes of high-risk pregnancy outcomes including cohorts on renal, auto-immune disease, hypertension, clotting disorders, postpartum hemorrhage)
3. Innovate and transform obstetric care by remote digital care solutions und data support within an evidence-based, value-driven and patient-centered approach in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for mother and fetus (group Bekker, link website).
4. Global maternal health; maternal health is a priority topic within the sustainable development goal 3, with targets to reduce maternal and newborn mortality globally. Together with partners from various low- and middle-income countries, we engage in research that aims to understand the burden of disease and improve quality of care (group Bloemkamp, link website)
5. To study fetal growth, normal and abnormal development by innovative imaging modalities and (non)invasive genetic testing in order improve to long-term outcomes (group Bekker, link website)