
cortical dysplasia, brain tumors, neurodevelopmental disorders

Research aim

Our aim is to drive and improve state-of-the-art diagnostics, enhance knowlegde and advance targeted interventions for individuals affected by neurological disorders.

About us

Our research group is dedicated to neuropathology, driven by the commitment to address critical gaps in understanding various neurological domains. Delving into the complexities of neuropathology, we seek transformative potential in both expanding scientific understanding and contributing to advancements in medical diagnostics.

Our multidisciplinary approach combines expertise in neuroscience, molecular biology, and cellular imaging. Prioritizing collaboration, we cultivate an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives converge to enhance the depth and breadth of our research.

The significance of our work extends beyond the laboratory, holding the potential to advance healthcare practices. Our research informs the development of novel diagnostics and personalized interventions, aiming for a lasting impact on individuals facing neurological challenges. Ongoing fruitful collaborations with multiple international universities enrich our research endeavors, facilitating a global exchange of knowledge and expertise.

In summary, our research group is on a mission to push the boundaries of knowledge in neuropathology, adding value by bridging gaps, contributing innovative solutions, and fostering collaborations that propel our research into real-world applications.