Inhibitory receptor lab

Inhibitory Immune Receptors, LAIR-1, VSTM1, CD200R1

Research aim

To use the full potential of inhibitory receptors to cure inflammatory disease and cancer

About us

The Inhibitory Receptor Lab aims to improve human lives by understanding inhibitory receptors. We believe that insights from clinically unrelated diseases can inform help our understanding, e.g. biology from autoimmunity can inform cancer biology. Therefore, we investigate inhibitory receptors in autoinflammatory diseases, cancer, and health. As a translational immunology lab, we employ various approaches: 1) Descriptive science comparing receptor responses in individuals with a disease vs. healthy individuals, 2) Studying receptor function and ligand identification, and 3) Therapeutic target exploration. Our collaborations span fundamental science, clinical research, and drug development.

Our focus centers on three proteins: LAIR-1, VSTM1/SIRL1, and CD200R1. LAIR-1, a collagen receptor on immune cells, prompts exploration of the widespread presence of the receptor and ligands. VSTM1/SIRL1, identified as a myeloid inhibitory pattern receptor, recognizes specific peptide stretches in humans and bacteria. CD200R1, an adaptable inhibitory receptor, typically suppresses immune responses but can also potentiate them.

We prioritize education, contributing to UMCU/Utrecht University B.Sc and M.Sc programs. Recognizing academia is not for everyone, we equip our team with skills applicable beyond research. Visit our lab website for more (detailed) information: