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Evaluation of imaging and image-guided Interventions

cancer, evaluation, innovation

Research aim

The pace of innovation in (AI driven) imaging/image-guided interventions in oncology is high; the window of opportunity for evaluation narrow. We aim to learn from every patient, in order to facilitate evidence-based implementation of innovation.

About us

Our group develops and provides the methodology and data-infrastructure to ensure that we focus (image-based) innovation where it is needed most, create (cost-)effective innovations with high levels of usability and provide the necessary evidence (of effectiveness) to accelerate implementation of innovations in order to improve outcomes of patients.
In the early stages of the innovation/engineering processes, we conduct (data-driven) evaluations to identify areas in health care where image guided interventions have the potential to improve patients outcomes (survival, quality of life) most.
As soon as an innovation is mature enough to be used in men, we collaborate with technical and clinical researchers to conduct first-in-man studies and technology development studies.
When innovations are technically fully developed, we conduct innovative (international, multicenter) trials to demonstrate safety, early effectiveness, long-term (cost-)effectiveness and efficiency.
The basis of our work is a large real world data infrastructure in which all research activities are embedded. This (inter)national data-infrastructure is used for technology and algorithm development, patient selection for technology development studies, and cohort embedded trials.
Because we want to learn from every patient, we have installed the innovation clinic, where patients are given the option to indicate whether they agree to their data being (re)used for research, for which purpose and by whom.