Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Professor of Evaluation of Image-Guided Treatment, dedicated to improve the life of people with cancer. Committed to full integration of clinical research in routine patient care in order to facilitate undelayed evidence-based implementation of innovations in oncology.
Medical-scientific director of the Imaging Cluster (incorporating the departments of Radiology, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Physics) at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital. Leader (PI) of several international research consortia and academic industrial partnership, based at UMC Utrecht. Strong background in teaching and development of educational modules at graduate and postgraduate level. Large international academic experience in Europe and Asia. Experienced speaker, moderator, panel member, and member of the supervisory board of the Rotterdam Eye Hospital.
Sharp analytic mind, strong drive and ability to turn ideas into reality. Connector. Passionate about encouraging and facilitating colleagues, team members, and (PhD) students to bring out the best in themselves and each other.
Research aim
The pace of innovation in (AI driven) imaging/image-guided interventions in oncology is high; the window of opportunity for evaluation narrow. We aim to learn from every patient, in order to facilitate evidence-based implementation of innovation.
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