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Cardiovascular and kidney pathology

AI, Kidney disease, MALDI imaging, Pathology, Senescence

Research aim

We focus on patient-centered research into kidney diseases. We employ techniques such as immunohistochemistry, cell biology, model systems, microscopy, and MALDI mass spectrometry imaging. Additionally, we employ AI tools for digital pathology.

About us

Our research group is dedicated to advancing our understanding of kidney and cardiovascular diseases by investigating underlying disease mechanisms. We are utilizing different techniques ranging from classical pathology techniques to advanced techniques such as mass spectrometry imaging and sequencing.

We place strong values on research collaborations and have long standing partnerships with the pharmacology department of Utrecht University, Leuven University (Belgium) and University clinic in Aaken (Germany).

Furthermore, we work on integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies into digital pathology workflows in the clinic to enabling more precise and efficient analysis and diagnosis.