Profile photo Verhoeven-Duif


Full Professor

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Clinical metabolomics and metabolic diagnostics

Research aim

Our research, focusing on metabolic disturbances, aims to improve diagnostics, to enable treatments, and to contribute to the development of novel therapies. The impact extends from individual patient care to a broader understanding of human disease.

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Recent publications

Direct Infusion Mass Spectrometry to Rapidly Map Metabolic Flux of Substrates Labeled with Stable Isotopes Nils W F Meijer, Susan Zwakenberg, Johan Gerrits, Denise Westland, Arif I Ardisasmita, Sabine A Fuchs, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, Judith J M Jans, Fried J T Zwartkruis
Metabolites, 2024, vol. 14
The malate-aspartate shuttle is important for de novo serine biosynthesis Melissa H Broeks, Nils W F Meijer, Denise Westland, Marjolein Bosma, Johan Gerrits, Hannah M German, Jolita Ciapaite, Clara D M van Karnebeek, Ronald J A Wanders, Fried J T Zwartkruis, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, Judith J M Jans
Cell Reports, 2023, vol. 42, p.1-18
Metabolic Alterations in NADSYN1-Deficient Cells Nils W F Meijer, Johan Gerrits, Susan Zwakenberg, Fried J T Zwartkruis, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, Judith J M Jans
Metabolites, 2023, vol. 13
Optimising urinary catecholamine metabolite diagnostics for neuroblastoma Yvette A H Matser, Iedan R N Verly, Maria van der Ham, Monique G M de Sain-van der Velden, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, Shifra Ash, Giuliana Cangemi, Sebastiano Barco, Maja Beck Popovic, André B P van Kuilenburg, Godelieve A M Tytgat,
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2023, vol. 70
A one-year pilot study comparing direct-infusion high resolution mass spectrometry based untargeted metabolomics to targeted diagnostic screening for inherited metabolic diseases Anke P Willems, Maria van der Ham, Birgit G M Schiebergen-Bronkhorst, Mirjam van Aalderen, Martina M J de Barse, Fini E De Gruyter, Ilja N van Hoek, Mia L Pras-Raves, Monique G M de Sain-van der Velden, Hubertus C M T Prinsen, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, Judith J M Jans
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 2023, vol. 10
Viral, bacterial, metabolic, and autoimmune causes of severe acute encephalopathy in sub-Saharan Africa Arthur Edridge, Ruth Namazi, Andrew Tebulo, Anan Mfizi, Martin Deijs, Sylvie Koekkoek, Bob de Wever, Arie van der Ende, Jeanine Umiwana, Menno D de Jong, Judith Jans, Nanda Verhoeven-Duif, Maarten Titulaer, Clara van Karnebeek, Karl Seydel, Terrie Taylor, Brenda Asiimwe-Kateera, Lia van der Hoek, Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Macpherson Mallewa, Richard Idro, Michael Boele van Hensbroek, Job B M van Woensel
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2023, vol. 258