Associate Professor
Strategic program(s):
TIM TAKKEN MSc PhD is a medical exercise physiologist and associate professor in pediatrics at the Wilhemina Children’s Hospital of the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has a special interest in clinical pediatric exercise physiology.
He is currently director of the Clinical Exercise Testing Laboratory in the Wilhemina Children’s Hospital, Utrecht. Further he is the chair of the Dutch chapter of CPX international, boardmember of the European Group of Pediatric Work Physiology and the Principal Investigator for the Dutch Physical Activity Report Card for Children. Dr Takken published over 260 peer-reviewed papers and authored 4 books.
Research aim
To improve long term cardiovascular and neurodevelopmental outcome in patients with severe congenital heart disease.
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We study how exercise affects children with chronic medical conditions (CMCs). We also use our expertise in our "Pediatric Sport & Exercise Medicine" summer school to apply our findings in clinical practice.
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