Profile photo Mariana Pedroso Branco

Mariana Pedroso Branco

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Mariana Branco has a BSs and the MSc degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon, and a PhD in Brain Computer Interfaces from the Utrecht University Medical Center. Her focus is on decoding hand movements from the sensorimotor cortex and understanding how the human sensorimotor cortex controls movement using ECoG signals. 

Research groups

Utrecht-BCI lab: developing neurotechnology for people with motor impairments

Research aim

The motive of the lab is to elucidate the neuronal mechanisms underlying human brain function in health, in order to help patients with neurological and psychiatric disorders, with a focus on neurotechnologies, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces.

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Recent publications

Longevity of a Brain-Computer Interface for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Mariska J. Vansteensel, Sacha Leinders, Mariana P. Branco, Nathan E. Crone, Timothy Denison, Zachary V. Freudenburg, Simon H. Geukes, Peter H. Gosselaar, Mathijs Raemaekers, Anouck Schippers, Malinda Verberne, Erik J. Aarnoutse, Nick F. Ramsey
The New England journal of medicine, 2024, vol. 391, p.619-626
Effect of Electrode Distance and Size on Electrocorticographic Recordings in Human Sensorimotor Cortex Simon H. Geukes, Mariana P. Branco, Erik J. Aarnoutse, Annike Bekius, Julia Berezutskaya, Nick F. Ramsey
Neuroinformatics, 2024, vol. 22, p.707-717
Do Not Lose Sleep Over It Sacha Leinders, Erik J Aarnoutse, Mariana P Branco, Zac V Freudenburg, Simon H Geukes, Anouck Schippers, Malinda S W Verberne, Max van den Boom, Benny van der Vijgh, Nathan E Crone, Timothy Denison, Nick F Ramsey, Mariska J Vansteensel
Nine decades of electrocorticography Mariana P Branco, Simon H Geukes, Erik J Aarnoutse, Nick F Ramsey, Mariska J Vansteensel
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2023, vol. 57, p.1260-1288
Using fMRI to localize target regions for implanted brain-computer interfaces in locked-in syndrome Sacha Leinders, Mariska J Vansteensel, Giovanni Piantoni, Mariana P Branco, Zac V Freudenburg, Tineke A Gebbink, Elmar G M Pels, Mathijs A H Raemaekers, Anouck Schippers, Erik J Aarnoutse, Nick F Ramsey
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2023, vol. 155, p.1-15
Methodological Recommendations for Studies on the Daily Life Implementation of Implantable Communication-Brain–Computer Interfaces for Individuals With Locked-in Syndrome Mariska J. Vansteensel, Mariana P. Branco, Sacha Leinders, Zac F. Freudenburg, Anouck Schippers, Simon H. Geukes, Michael A. Gaytant, Peter H. Gosselaar, Erik J. Aarnoutse, Nick F. Ramsey
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2022, vol. 36, p.666-677