Profile photo Maria Luisa Tataranno

Maria Luisa Tataranno

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Perinatal neuroimaging & neuromonitoring

Research aim

We use longitudinal fetal and neonatal neuroimaging and neuromonitoring to study brain development and function, model brain diseases, and improve long term outcome in high-risk infants.
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Protection and repair of the injured newborn brain

Research aim

Our mission is to unravel the impact of early life adversity, such as perinatal asphyxia and stroke, preterm birth and early life stress on brain development and to design strategies to improve outcome of affected infants, shaping a better future.
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Perinatal surgery & brain damage

Research aim

Our mission is to unravel the impact of neonatal surgery, as well for congenital heart defects as non-cardiac anomalies on brain injury, development and long-term impairments to develop strategies to improve long-term outcome shaping a better future.
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Neonatal neurobehavior and outcome

Research aim

Our aim is to explore how neonatal neurobehavior and environmental factors impact brain development, especially focusing on NICU infants both with and without brain injuries, in order to improve long term outcome.
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Recent publications

Brain injury and long-term outcome after neonatal surgery for non-cardiac congenital anomalies Mark Aalten, Maria Luisa Tataranno, Jeroen Dudink, Petra M A Lemmers, Maud Y A Lindeboom, Manon J N L Benders
Pediatric Research, 2023, vol. 94, p.1265-1272
Machine learning-derived active sleep as an early predictor of white matter development in preterm infants Xiaowan Wang, Eline R de Groot, Maria Luisa Tataranno, Anneloes van Baar, Femke Lammertink, Thomas Alderliesten, Xi Long, Manon J N L Benders, Jeroen Dudink
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 2023, vol. 44
Early qualitative and quantitative amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram and raw electroencephalogram for predicting long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely preterm infants in the Netherlands Xiaowan Wang, Chiara Trabatti, Lauren Weeke, Jeroen Dudink, Henriette Swanenburg de Veye, Rian M.J.C. Eijsermans, Corine Koopman-Esseboom, Manon J.N.L. Benders, Maria Luisa Tataranno
The Lancet Digital Health, 2023, vol. 5, p.e895-e904
A grounded theory study on the dynamics of parental grief during the children's end of life Eline M Kochen, Martha A Grootenhuis, Saskia C C M Teunissen, Paul A Boelen, Maria-Luisa Tataranno, Jurrianne C Fahner, Roos R de Jonge, Michiel L Houben, Marijke C Kars,
Acta Paediatrica, 2023, vol. 112, p.1101-1108
Proceedings of the 14th International Newborn Brain Conference Ramy Abramsky, Ceyda Acun, Jesse Alt, Hany Aly, Noa Arad, Lisanne M Baak, Dana Bakalar, Thameya Balasingham, Theo Bammler, Manon J N L Benders, Diana Benitez, Elisa Boni, Geraldine Boylan, Ellie Campbell, Paola Castri, Priyanka Chandrashekar, Raul Chavez-Valdez, May Chen, Elisabetta Chiodin, Bryan Comstock, Janie Damien, Janie Damien, Linda de Vries, Linda de Vries, Jacky Dickman, Leslie Doucette, Ellie Duckworth, Ellie Duckworth, Carlos Echeverria-Palacio, Ramy El Jalbout, Mohamed El-Dib, Hoda Elshibiny, Debbie Flock, Anne Gallagher, Enrica Gasperoni, Hannah Glass, Johanneke C Harteman, Kelly Harvey-Jones, Itay Hazan, Patrick Heagerty, Terrie Inder, Lauren Jantzie, Sandra Juul, Sreenivas Karnati, Nazli Kute, Helene Lacaille, Frederic Lange, Petra M A Lemmers, Wei Liu, Nathalie Llaguno, Mauricio Magalhães, Ivan Mambule, Bohdana Marandyuk, Kyla Marks, Lee J Martin, An Massaro, Sean Mathieson, Sean Mathieson, Melisa Carrasco McCaul, Christopher Meehan, Irina Meledin, Elisa Menna, Federica Menzato, Alison Mintoft, Subhabrata Mitra, Annettee Nakimuli, Carol Nanyunya, Georgina Norris, Frances J Northington, Adam Numis, Jiaqi J O'Reilly, Sandra Ortiz, Swetha Padiyar, Natacha Paquette, Lucio Parmeggiani, Silvia Patrizi, Elena Pavlidis, Serena Pellegrin, Anna A Penn, Laurence Petitpas, Elana Pinchefsky, Alessandra Ponta, Jacopo Proietti Subhash Puthuraya, Rana Rais, Nicola J Robertson, Daniela Rodrigues, Michela Salandin, Jacquelyn Salzbank, Lilia Sánchez, Nienke Schalij, Carolina Serrano-Tabares, Eilon Shany, Alex Staffler, Sylke Steggerda, Ilias Tachtsidis, Cally Tann, Maria Luisa Tataranno, Chiara Trabatti, Julie Tremblay, Selma Tromp, Katie Tucker, Victoria Turnbill, Claire-Marie Vacher, Frank van Bel, Niek E van der Aa, Krisa Van Meurs, Andrea Van Steenis, Linda van Wyk, Phetsamone Vannasing, Gabriel Variane, Vinita Verma, Emily Voldal, Nienke Wagenaar, Yvonne Wu, Courtney Wustoff
Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine, 2023, vol. 16, p.S33-S62
Morphine exposure and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants born extremely preterm Michele Luzzati, Caterina Coviello, Henriette Swarenburg De Veye, Jeroen Dudink, Femke Lammertink, Carlo Dani, Corine Koopmans, Manon Benders, Maria Luisa Tataranno
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 2023, vol. 65, p.1053-1060

Fellowships & Awards

2019: Fellowship neonatal neurology

2018: Early Career Highlight

2018: Research fellowship

2018: ESPR early investigator exchange program

2017: Travel grant from the PAS-SPR Meeting

2015: Saranno Famosi Prize, XXI National Congress Italian Society of Neonatology)

2015: Dutch Neonatal congress subsidie

2011: Honor mention for the XXII Ed. of the Medicine Award Prof. Potito Petrone, Potenza, Italy