
Associate Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

Research groups

Congenital esophageal and airway team utrecht

Research aim

Our research strives to improve outcomes for Esophageal Atresia patients, reducing morbidity and enhancing quality of life, while developing strategies for long-term improvement, shaping a brighter future.
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Perinatal surgery & brain damage

Research aim

Our mission is to unravel the impact of neonatal surgery, as well for congenital heart defects as non-cardiac anomalies on brain injury, development and long-term impairments to develop strategies to improve long-term outcome shaping a better future.
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Fetal growth, development and genetics

Research aim

Our mission is to study normal and abnormal fetal development by innovative imaging modalities and (non)invasive genetic testing in order to improve perinatal and long-term outcomes of children and outcomes that matter most to future parents.
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Recent publications

Graft dilatation and Barrett's esophagus in adults after gastric pull-up and jejunal interposition for long-gap esophageal atresia Eleonora Sofie van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Gabriele Gallo, Bas L Weusten, Jessie Westerhof, Lodewijk Aa Brosens, Sander Zwaveling, Jetske Ruiterkamp, Jan Bf Hulscher, Hubertus Gm Arets, Arnold Jn Bittermann, David C van der Zee, Stefaan Haj Tytgat, Maud Ya Lindeboom
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2023, vol. 15, p.553-563
Brain injury and long-term outcome after neonatal surgery for non-cardiac congenital anomalies Mark Aalten, Maria Luisa Tataranno, Jeroen Dudink, Petra M A Lemmers, Maud Y A Lindeboom, Manon J N L Benders
Pediatric Research, 2023, vol. 94, p.1265-1272
Airway Epithelial Cultures of Children with Esophageal Atresia as a Model to Study Respiratory Tract Disorders Henriette H.M. Dreyer, Eleonora Sofie van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Lisa W. Rodenburg, Arnold J.N. Bittermann, Hubertus G.M. Arets, Ellen M.B.P. Reuling, Johannes W. Verweij, Eric G. Haarman, David C. van der Zee, Stefaan H.A.J. Tytgat, Cornelis K. van der Ent, Jeffrey M. Beekman, Gimano D. Amatngalim, Maud Y.A. Lindeboom
Children (Basel, Switzerland), 2023, vol. 10, p.1-9
Bacterial Colonization of the Lower Airways in Children With Esophageal Atresia Eleonora Sofie van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Rauand Duhoky, Johannes W Verweij, Louis Bont, Hubertus G M Arets, Arnold J N Bittermann, David C van der Zee, Stefaan H A J Tytgat, Maud Y A Lindeboom
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 2023, vol. 42, p.644-647
Esophageal Atresia David C. van der Zee, Maud Y.A. Lindeboom, Stefaan H.A. Tytgat
2022, p.489-496
Quality of life after esophageal replacement in children Gabriele Gallo, E. S. van Tuyll van Serooskerken, S. H.A.J. Tytgat, D. C. van der Zee, C. M.G. Keyzer-Dekker, S. Zwaveling, J. B.F. Hulscher, H. Groen, M. Y.A. Lindeboom
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2021, vol. 56, p.239-244