Profile photo Lemmers


Associate Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Petra Lemmers was graduated in medical science at Leiden University in the Netherlands (cum laude) and was trained in pediatrics at the Sophia Children’s Hospital/Erasmus University Hospital Rotterdam (NL) and in neonatal medicine in the Isala Clinics Zwolle (NL) and the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital/University Medical Center Utrecht (NL).

At the present time she is associate professor in neonatology (research school Child Health, University Medical Center Utrecht) and is  working as a consultant neonatologist at the NICU of the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht. She is also involved as an expert in the customer excellence program 'Samen voor de Patient!' of the University Medical Center Utrecht.

The main focus of research on the NICU  is the neonatal brain: brain monitoring, brain hemodynamics, neuroprotection, brain imaging and neurodevelopmental outcome (prof Manon Benders and prof Linda de Vries; research schools Brain and Child Health ). In 2003 she started her research concerning the clinical use of non-invasive cerebral monitoring by near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in (preterm) neonates admitted on the NICU. She defended her thesis “The clinical use of near infrared spectroscopy‐monitored cerebral oxygen saturation and extraction in the preterm infant” in 2010 and published until now > 70 peer reviewed papers about this subject in prominent scientific journals.

Nowadays on the NICU the brain of preterm infants, neonates after perinatal asphyxia and all infants undergoing surgery in the neonatal period is monitored by NIRS during the most vulnerable period after birth: during transition, during treatment with hypothermia, but also during surgery.

She also participates in national and international collaborative projects concerning NIRS (SafeBoosc-trial: prof Gorm Greisen Kopenhagen Denmark; TOHOP-trail/cerebral hemodynamics: prof Istvan Seri Los Angeles USA, currently Doha Quatar; NIRS-project concerning monitoring cerebral autoregulatory ability: prof Gunnar Naulaers and prof Sabine van Huffel Leuven, Belgium. She is supervising several PhD students and is involved in education programs concerning brain monitoring in neonates in the Netherlands and abroad.

Research groups

Congenital esophageal and airway team utrecht

Research aim

Our research strives to improve outcomes for Esophageal Atresia patients, reducing morbidity and enhancing quality of life, while developing strategies for long-term improvement, shaping a brighter future.

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Perinatal surgery & brain damage

Research aim

Our mission is to unravel the impact of neonatal surgery, as well for congenital heart defects as non-cardiac anomalies on brain injury, development and long-term impairments to develop strategies to improve long-term outcome shaping a better future.

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Recent publications

Role of patent ductus arteriosus in preterms in long-term outcome Moniek S. Veldhuis, Laura M.L. Dix, Johannes M.P.J. Breur, Willem B. de Vries, Corine Koopman, Maria J.C. Eijsermans, Henriette F.N. Swanenburg de Veye, Mirella C. Molenschot, Petra M.A. Lemmers, Frank van Bel, Daniel C. Vijlbrief
Early Human Development, 2024, vol. 190
Neonatal somatic oxygenation and perfusion assessment using near-infrared spectroscopy Elisabeth Kooi, Jonathan Mintzer, Christopher J. Rhee, Ebru Ergenekon, Christoph Schwarz, Gerhard Pichler, Willem P. de Boode, Ana Alarcón, Thomas Alderliesten, Topun Austin, Morten Breindahl, Willem P. de Boode, Eugene Dempsey, Ebru Ergenekon, Gorm Greisen, Kivilcim Gucuyener, Elisabeth Kooi, Marlies Krainer, Petra Lemmers, Philip Levy, Kian D. Liem, Mathias Lühr Hansen, Silvia Martini, Jonathan Mintzer, Subhabrata Mitra, Felix Neunhoeffer, Adelina Pellicer, Christopher Rhee, Charles Roehr, Charles Roehr, Claudia Roll, Christoph Schwarz, Cristine Sortica da Costa, Tomasz Szczapa, Berndt Urlesberger, Martin Wolf, Flora Wong,
Pediatric Research, 2024, vol. 96, p.1180-1194
Does primary posterior tracheopexy prevent collapse of the trachea in newborns with oesophageal atresia and tracheomalacia? Marit J.B. van Stigt, Anne Fleur R.L. van Hal, Arnold J.N. Bittermann, Colin R. Butler, Ilse Ceelie, Daniela Cianci, Paolo de Coppi, Caroline Gahm, Julia E. Hut, Koen F.M. Joosten, Petra M.A. Lemmers, Dhanya Mullassery, Reema Nandi, Bas Pullens, Lonneke M. Staals, Jan F. Svensson, Stefaan H.A.J. Tytgat, Peter M. van de Ven, René M.H. Wijnen, John Vlot, Maud Y.A. Lindeboom
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14
Early EEG-burst sharpness and 2-year disability in extremely preterm infants Anne Mette Plomgaard, Nathan Stevenson, James A. Roberts, Tue Hvass Petersen, Sampsa Vanhatalo, Gorm Greisen, Adelina Pellicer, Monica Fumagalli, Petra Lemmers, Gerhard Pichler, Eugene Dempsey, Olivier Claris, Simon Hyttel-Sorensen,
Pediatric Research, 2024, vol. 95, p.193-199
Brain injury and long-term outcome after neonatal surgery for non-cardiac congenital anomalies Mark Aalten, Maria Luisa Tataranno, Jeroen Dudink, Petra M A Lemmers, Maud Y A Lindeboom, Manon J N L Benders
Pediatric Research, 2023, vol. 94, p.1265-1272
Near-infrared spectroscopy monitoring of neonatal cerebrovascular reactivity Silvia Martini, Liesbeth Thewissen, Topun Austin, Cristine Sortica da Costa, Willem P. de Boode, Eugene Dempsey, Elisabeth Kooi, Adelina Pellicer, Christopher Rhee, Joan Riera, Martin Wolf, Flora Wong, Berndt Urlesberger, Tomasz Szczapa, Christoph E. Schwarz, Claudia Roll, Charles Christoph Roehr, Christopher Rhee, Gerhard Pichler, Felix Neunhoeffer, Gunnar Naulaers, Jonathan Mintzer, Mathias Luhr Hansen, Kian D. Liem, Philip T. Levy, Petra Lemmers, Gitte Holst Hahn, Kivilcim Gucuyener, Gorm Greisen, Monica Fumagalli, Ebru Ergenekon, Marlies Bruckner, Morten Breindahl, Thomas Alderliesten, Ana Alarcon,
Pediatric Research, 2023, vol. 96, p.884-895

Fellowships & Awards

2012 Grant NutsOhra Foundation

2011Grant UMCU/WKZ Foundation