Joppe Nijman

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Dr. Joppe Nijman is pediatric intensivist and clinical researcher in the University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands. In 2002, he started his academic career with a bachelor degree Biology / Biomedical Sciences at Utrecht University, followed by the Selective Utrecht Medical Master (SUMMA) which he successfully completed in 2011. Subsequently, he acquired his PhD degree at Utrecht University on “Postnatally Acquired Cytomegalovirus Infections in Preterm Infants” in 2013. During his PhD trajectory, he also participated in the “Effective Perinatal Intensive Care in Europe study” funded by the EU. In 2018, he finished his pediatrics residency in the Wilhelmina’s Childrens Hospital in Utrecht, The Netherlands, followed by a pediatric intensive care fellowship in the same hospital. During his residency, he supervised a PhD student on “Advances in congenital and postnatal cytomegalovirus infections” who successfully defended her thesis in 2017.

At the start of his clinical fellowship he has shifted his research focus and now aims to improve the prognosis of infants with congenital heart disease using advanced data science. Currently, he is co-chair of the Data Science working Group of the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC), member of the European Association Brain in Congenital Heart Disease consortium (EUR-ABC) and principal investigator of the Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Congenital Heart Disease (NECTAR) study.

Research groups

Congenital heart disease

Research aim

To improve long term cardiovascular and neurodevelopmental outcome in patients with severe congenital heart disease.

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Recent publications

A Strategy for Artificial Intelligence With Clinical Impact-Eyes on the Prize Joppe Nijman, Ruben S Zoodsma, Erik Koomen
JAMA Pediatrics, 2024, vol. 178, p.219-220
Population Pharmacokinetics and Target Attainment of Allopurinol and Oxypurinol Before, During, and After Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Neonates with Critical Congenital Heart Disease Wan-Yu Chu, Maaike Nijman, Raymond Stegeman, Johannes M P J Breur, Nicolaas J G Jansen, Joppe Nijman, Kim van Loon, Erik Koomen, Karel Allegaert, Manon J N L Benders, Thomas P C Dorlo, Alwin D R Huitema,
Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 2024, vol. 63, p.1205-1220
Prophylactic red blood cell transfusions in children and neonates with cancer Demi M. Kruimer, Debbie C. Stavleu, Renée L. Mulder, Leontien C.M. Kremer, Wim J.E. Tissing, Erik A.H. Loeffen, Marianne D. van de Wetering, Alida F.W. van der Steeg, Judith Spijkerman, Willemijn Plieger, Ida Ophorst, Jeroen G. Noordzij, Joppe Nijman, Maarten O. Mensink, Philip H.M. Kuijper, Geert O.R. Janssens, Elise J. Huisman, Katja M.J. Heitink-Pollé, Melanie M. Hagleitner, Sjef P.J. van Gestel, Janneke H.P. Evers, Dorine Bresters,
Supportive Care in Cancer, 2024, vol. 32
Platelet reactivity in young children undergoing congenital heart disease surgery: a NITRIC randomized clinical trial substudy Kim van Loon, Erik Koomen, Joppe Nijman, Bram van Wijk, Hans Breur, Suzanne Korporaal
Intensive Care Medicine - Paediatric and Neonatal, 2024, vol. 2
Ultra-Wideband Radar for Simultaneous and Unobtrusive Monitoring of Respiratory and Heart Rates in Early Childhood Emad Arasteh, Esther S Veldhoen, Xi Long, Maartje van Poppel, Marjolein van der Linden, Thomas Alderliesten, Joppe Nijman, Robbin de Goederen, Jeroen Dudink
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2023, vol. 23, p.1-18
Perioperative Brain Injury in Relation to Early Neurodevelopment among Children with Severe Congenital Heart Disease Astrid Neukomm, Nathalie H P Claessens, Alexandra F Bonthrone, Raymond Stegeman, Maria Feldmann, Maaike Nijman, Nicolaas J G Jansen, Joppe Nijman, Floris Groenendaal, Linda S de Vries, Manon J N L Benders, Johannes M P J Breur, Felix Haas, Mireille N Bekker, Thushiha Logeswaran, Bettina Reich, Raimund Kottke, Hitendu Dave, John Simpson, Kuberan Pushparajah, Christopher J Kelly, Sophie Arulkumaran, Mary A Rutherford, Serena J Counsell, Andrew Chew, Walter Knirsch, Maaike C A Sprong, Monique M van Schooneveld, Cornelia Hagmann, Beatrice Latal,
The Journal of Pediatrics, 2023, vol. 266