Profile photo Jeffrey Beekman

Jeffrey Beekman

Full Professor


Dr. J.M. Beekman obtained a PhD in molecular immunology in 2004, and performed multiple post docs in molecular and cell biology within various immunological settings. In October 2010, he became principle investigator at the UMC Utrecht, and started a novel translational research line focusing on developing novel therapeutic strategies for cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease characterized by aberrant ion and fluid homeostasis at mucosal surfaces leading to chronic infection and inflammation and early death around the 3rd to 4th decade of life.


‘People with chronic diseases living healthy lives: I strive to create breakthrough solutions for clinical needs of people with chronic diseases by scientific research that focuses on the development of novel diagnostic or therapeutic approaches. This requires a multidisciplinary approach in which basic and clinical research is aligned, and integrated with needs of patients, the private sector and regulatory authorities. Currently, I am particularly proud of leading a team that developed a highly innovative diagnostic assay that enables individualized therapy for people with cystic fibrosis that lead to direct clinical impact for people within 4 years after the initial discovery.’

Research groups

Cellular disease models

Research aim

To develop patient-derived cell models to understand the molecular mechanisms of disease, to identify and validate targets for treatment, and to develop drugs and precision medicine applications.
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Pediatric pulmonology

Research aim

We unravel biological, clinical and psychosocial aspects of lung diseases like Cystic Fibrosis, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and oncology to continuously improve diagnosis and treatment by implementing latest scientific insights into clinical care.
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Recent publications

OrgaSegment Juliet W Lefferts, Suzanne Kroes, Matthew B Smith, Paul J Niemöller, Natascha D A Nieuwenhuijze, Heleen N Sonneveld van Kooten, Cornelis K van der Ent, Jeffrey M Beekman, Sam F B van Beuningen
Communications biology, 2024, vol. 7
Colonization of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium in human-derived colonic epithelium Paul B. Stege, Jeffrey M. Beekman, Antoni P.A. Hendrickx, Laura Van Eijk, Malbert R.C. Rogers, Sylvia W.F. Suen, Annelotte M. Vonk, Rob J.L. Willems, Fernanda L. Paganelli
FEMS Microbes, 2024, vol. 5
Use of 2,6-diaminopurine as a potent suppressor of UGA premature stop codons in cystic fibrosis Catherine Leroy, Sacha Spelier, Nadège Charlene Essonghe, Virginie Poix, Rebekah Kong, Patrick Gizzi, Claire Bourban, Séverine Amand, Christine Bailly, Romain Guilbert, David Hannebique, Philippe Persoons, Gwenaëlle Arhant, Anne Prévotat, Philippe Reix, Dominique Hubert, Michèle Gérardin, Mathias Chamaillard, Natalia Prevarskaya, Sylvie Rebuffat, George Shapovalov, Jeffrey Beekman, Fabrice Lejeune
Molecular Therapy, 2023, vol. 31, p.970-985
Readthrough compounds for nonsense mutations Sacha Spelier, Eveline P.M. van Doorn, Cornelis K. van der Ent, Jeffrey M. Beekman, Martijn A.J. Koppens
Trends in molecular medicine, 2023, vol. 29, p.297-314
High-throughput functional assay in cystic fibrosis patient-derived organoids allows drug repurposing Sacha Spelier, Eyleen de Poel, Georgia N. Ithakisiou, Sylvia W.F. Suen, Marne C. Hagemeijer, Danya Muilwijk, Annelotte M. Vonk, Jesse E. Brunsveld, Evelien Kruisselbrink, Cornelis K. van der Ent, Jeffrey M. Beekman
ERJ Open Research, 2023, vol. 9
FDA-approved drug screening in patient-derived organoids demonstrates potential of drug repurposing for rare cystic fibrosis genotypes E. de Poel, S. Spelier, M. C. Hagemeijer, P. van Mourik, S. W.F. Suen, A. M. Vonk, J. E. Brunsveld, G. N. Ithakisiou, E. Kruisselbrink, H. Oppelaar, G. Berkers, K. M. de Winter de Groot, S. Heida-Michel, S. R. Jans, H. van Panhuis, M. Bakker, R. van der Meer, J. Roukema, E. Dompeling, E. J.M. Weersink, G. H. Koppelman, A. R. Blaazer, J. E. Muijlwijk-Koezen, C. K. van der Ent, J. M. Beekman
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2023, vol. 22, p.548-559