Real World Evidence group
Pharmacoepidemiology, Real world data, Real world evidence
Research aim
The Real-World Evidence group at the University Medical Center Utrecht has the vision that we should generate best evidence from real world data in a learning health care system.
About us
the RWE team wants to learn from the data that are generated in health care and transform this data into robust answers, that help patients, clinicians and regulators to take decisions. We create methods and tools /software for quality checking and analysis of real world data and apply the proper study design for causal inference.
The RWE group performs European wide and global studies often on the effects of medicines and vaccines. The group coordinates multiple large-scale projects (IMI-ConcePTION) and projects for the European Medicines Agency. Our research has impact on patient’s health, as the results of our work, go directly into regulatory decision making. For example on the safety of vaccines, or medicines that are used during pregnancy.
We work with and facilitate multiple large networks of public and private organisations:
Within the UMC Utrecht, we work with multiple focal areas, and we steer development of the Health Data Space Utrecht.
We work according to open science principles, our analysis scripts are on the
UMC-Utrecht-RWE Github page, our deliverables are posted on Zenodo, and papers are open source.