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Principal Investigator(s)

Neuroscience of stress and psychotrauma

PTSD, stress, neuroscience

Research aim

Gain insight into the neurobiological underpinnings of stress and psychotrauma in order to improve diagnosis, treatment and prevention of trauma and stress related disorders and improve mental wellbeing.

About us

Our group closely collaborates with the Dutch Ministry of Defence and we conduct our research within the Brain Research and Innovation Centre (BRaIC). The BRaIC is a collaboration of the Dutch Ministry of Defence and Utrecht University Medical Center.

Since 2001, we have been conducting research on mental health. We supervise and conduct (medical) scientific research on mental health in Dutch military personnel and veterans with a specific focus on the neuroscience of stress and psychotrauma. We provide recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of psychiatric illness in Dutch military personnel and veterans based on scientific research. We apply innovative technologies to improve military mental healthcare. We collect and disseminate knowledge on the neuroscience of stress and psychotrauma.