Hospital in motion: optimization of physical activity during and around hospital stay
Physical activity, Physiotherapy, Prehabilitation
Research aim
Our mission is to realize that all patients receive the right movement care – before, during and after hospital admission – supported by technology where possible and supervised by healthcare professionals when necessary.
About us
Promoting physical activity, tailored to a patients’ capability, will prevent complications, readmissions, and will fasten recovery and return to society. In line with societal developments around prevention and healthy living, the aim of this research group is that physical activity is incorporated in all care pathways in our hospital.
Focus areas of this group is the promotion of physical activity during hospital stay, implementation of pre- and rehabilitation of patients undergoing major surgery and datadriven & personalized movement care using innovative technologies.
Healthcare technologies, like movement monitoring and mobile apps, will enlarge the reach of patient education and movement interventions. Blended care, were digital and face to face guidance is mixed, is the basis of many of our projects.
Our research is focused on daily care practice and aims innovate care by the implementation of successful interventions and innovations.