Biofabrication in translational regenerative medicine
Biofabrication, Orthopaedic, Regeneration
Research aim
We focus on biofabrication technologies & regenerative models to create lifelike tissue implants and advanced disease models. We aim to revolutionize treatment options for musculoskeletal injuries and better understanding of tissue health.
About us
Our research focuses on using 3D biofabrication technology alongside living cells to engineer functional tissues for transplantation and to develop miniature models that simulate health and disease conditions. A key aim is to apply these biofabrication methods to regenerate musculoskeletal tissues, particularly cartilage and bone. However, the outcomes of the lab have been the foundation for a number of firmly integrated research lines within Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht, including those focusing on the regeneration of renal, cardiac, hepatic and pancreatic tissues. Our innovative approaches in combining printing technologies and reinforcing living 3D tissue structures have gained widespread adoption in the field.
The lab comprises a multidisciplinary team of scientists, from biologists to biomedical engineers, chemists and physicists from Utrecht University and from the University Medical Center Utrecht. The team, in collaboration with the Levato lab, contributes to and manages the Utrecht Biofabrication facility.
The overall aim of our lab is to translate biofabrication-based and clinically relevant implants and models towards applications. The team adopts advanced in vitro, as well as ex vivo models, including systems in which simulated loading can be applied to further mimic the native situation in a healthy or pathological environment.