Valorization & Innovation

At the UMC Utrecht Research Office we help researchers translate their research results into economic and societal value.

Researchers at the UMC Utrecht generate a wealth of new knowledge with their ground-breaking research. At the UMC Utrecht Research Office we help researchers translate their research results into economic and societal value.

With our valorization support we empower researchers to combine their science with business and innovation to create even better solutions for our patients. The Research Office in UMC Utrecht is your support office for questions regarding valorization opportunities.
We can assist in defining a suitable and effective valorization strategy and organize the support you need to achieve your impact goals.

We give advice on financial opportunities for public private partnerships, support researchers on business development and funding opportunities for valorization activities. Furthermore, we have access to a network of specialized support services.

More information?
Please contact our innovation and valorization officers of the RO Funding and Support Team:

Public Meets Private

Strengthening existing relationships and cashing in on opportunities for new alliances is key. Only by working together can beautiful innovations and good ideas be realized and patient care improved.


Ureka Mega Challenge

The Ureka Mega Challenge is a UMC Utrecht innovation competition for students, researchers and staff who have an innovative idea to improve healthcare. The ideas will be judged by a "Dragons" jury with innovation expertise from different corners of healthcare, science and business. Winners will receive both financial and substantive support.

Visit the website

Utrecht Holdings

Utrecht Holdings is the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) of Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht. Utrecht Holdings focuses on the knowledge exploitation and commercialization of academic research and supports researchers in developing, protecting, marketing and spin-off creation of innovations, particularly in the fields of biotech, medtech, education and ICT.

Read more about Utrecht Holdings


UtrechtInc is the startup incubator of Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht and HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Entrepreneurs and researchers find support here to successfully set up their (IT) company. They get access to startup capital, office facilities and a network of mentors. In the startup program they work at an accelerated pace towards a scalable business model, paying customers and a working product. UtrechtInc has now supported more than 150 startups. The focus is on e-Health, e-Climate and e-Learning.

Find out more

Research equipment and (MedTech) Development & Prototyping facility

UMC Utrecht’s product development team supports researchers and innovators with (medical) technology by providing design, engineering and prototyping services. The multidisciplinary team, with expertise in mechanical, electrical, and software engineering, offers realization of custom-built research equipment, functional demonstrators, and even medical device prototypes ready for clinical use.

With in-house manufacturing capabilities like 3D printing, CNC machining, and laser cutting, it is possible to efficiently bring your concepts to life, while ensuring (patient) safety. As a non-commercial partner, we work closely with researchers and innovators, leveraging our deep knowledge of IMDD, METC, and validation processes, combined with our EN ISO 13485:2016-certified quality system. Thereby ensuring that developed devices, and their accompanying documentation, are suitable for clinical investigation, and can be seamlessly integrated into healthcare settings.

Contact the team