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Cell and gene therapy

At UMC Utrecht, we’re pioneering personalized cancer treatment by studying how cancer cells interact with their environment. Using our expertise in gene and cell engineering, we’re developing innovative treatments and aiming to be leaders in tailored cancer care.

"Research at UMC Utrecht is driving improvements in immunotherapy technologies such as CAR-T-cells, TEGs and GABs. This will provide a more powerful approach to treat (rare) cancers and give patients long-term protection."


Research groups

Our researchers  are joined in research groups, focusing on a specific topic or project. Please search for our research groups working on cell and gene therapies.

Find out more


We cherish our associate professors. At UMC Utrecht, we give them the opportunity to hold their own ‘inaugural lecture’: the UHD lecture. This allows them to present their research work and vision in a comprehensive video, available to all audiences.

View our lectures