
The 030-Lab is a core-facility in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital where researchers from all disciplines in the UMC Utrecht, Utrecht University and the Princess Máxima Center work closely together.


The goal of  the 030-Lab is to perform innovative research which will improve the treatment of diseases and the quality of life of children and adolescents and to reduce health damage. This core-facility in the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital consists of a Innovative trial office, Child Health Disease Cohort and prevention desk.

1. Innovative trial office

The 030-Lab Innovative trial office supports Child Health researchers with the design and conduct of studies. Researchers here conduct clinical research into new innovative treatments, like stem cell therapy, mRNA therapy or gene therapy. They also investigate how existing treatments can be improved. Research is being conducted on the treatment of many rare diseases, like cystic fibrosis, infectious diseases, juvenile rheumatism, rare metabolic diseases, neonatal diseases and many others. These studies are initiated by researchers (investigator initiated) or by a sponsor (industry sponsored trials).

The Innovative trial office has up-to-date knowledge, extensive experience and supports researchers in the grant application, design, conduct and coordination of studies. This may involve clinical (phase 1 to 4), observational and translational research. The Innovative trial office also provides professional support for locally initiated trials and large, complex multicenter studies.

Contact: 030lab@umcutrecht.nl


2. Child Health Disease Cohort

The Child Health Disease Cohort is a large, diverse and constantly growing cohort in Utrecht, following over 10,000 children in their development from pregnancy until early adulthood. Data from disease specific cohorts in the Wilhelmina Children’s hospital are followed by the Child Health Disease Cohort, for example PROactive, SMART youth and neonatal cohort.

The Child Health Disease Cohort provides both biological and psychosocial data from healthy (WHISTLER) and sick children and adolescents over an extended period. This helps researchers understand the long-term consequences of diseases or treatments. Researchers also gain insight into the effect of a difficult start after birth or a chronic disease on children’s development.

Data infrastructure for both existing care and research data, and for new data, across disease groups is provided. Associated activities include harmonization of research cohorts, cleaner patient record exports (HIX) and broad consent for participation in research. The 030-Lab applies the FAIR data principles: Data must be findable, accessible, interoperable, re-usable and stored sustainably.

3. Prevention Desk

Children with a chronic condition are more likely to have problems in areas such as sleep, nutrition and exercise. Therefore, the prevention desk is intended to offer children and parents support in various lifestyle areas. The role of the prevention desk is to identify, inform and advise and, if necessary, to offer interventions. The prevention desk works closely with the 1st line care to be able to guide the child and parents to support in their own environment.