Profile photo Dorien Zwart

Dorien Zwart

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Dorien Zwart, M.D., Ph.D, is Full Professor of General Practice/Family Medicine and Head of Department of General Practice&Nursing Sciences in the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care at University Medical Center Utrecht. She also practices as a Family Physician at the Primary Health Care Center De Bilt. Zwart's research primarily focuses on patient safety and quality in general practice targeting the top 3 patient safety challenges in primary care: triage/diagnostic safety, transitional safety and medication safety. Within this scope, she is developing and supervising an applied scientific research portfolio as part of healthcare innovation research in the Julius Center.  She mainly works on multi method complex intervention studies in multidisciplinary research teams.  Beside her research, she is a passionate teacher and educational innovator. She teaches general practice and family medicine as well as quality and patient safety subjects in graduate, post graduate and post academic education. Zwart received her medical degree at the University of Groningen, her medical specialty degree at the University Medical Center Utrecht and her doctorate at the University of Utrecht.

Research groups

Cardiovascular health in general practice

Research aim

Improve cardiovascular health of people by high-quality research aimed at early detection of cardiovascular disease, risk-stratification, risk-based treatment, and primary care innovation.

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Recent publications

Non-dispensing pharmacists integrated into general practices as a new interprofessional model A. C.M. Hazen, V. M. Sloeserwij, E. de Groot, J. J. de Gier, N. J. de Wit, A. A. de Bont, D. L.M. Zwart
BMC Health Services Research, 2024, vol. 24, p.1-10
Characteristics and preventability of medication-related admissions for acute kidney injury and dehydration in elderly patients Tristan Coppes, Ankie C.M. Hazen, Dorien L.M. Zwart, Ellen S. Koster, Teun van Gelder, Marcel L. Bouvy
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2024, vol. 80, p.1355-1362
Pharmacists’ current and potential prescribing roles in primary care in the Netherlands Thomas G.H. Kempen, Yosra Benaissa, Haijo Molema, Lea E. Valk, Ankie C.M. Hazen, Mette Heringa, Henk Frans Kwint, Dorien L.M. Zwart, Sofia Kälvemark Sporrong, Derek Stewart, Liset van Dijk
Journal of interprofessional care, 2024, vol. 38, p.787-798
Patients' and GPs' views and expectations of home monitoring with a pulse oximeter Karin Smit, Roderick P Venekamp, Geert-Jan Geersing, Frans H Rutten, Lisette Schoonhoven, Dorien Lm Zwart
The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 2023, vol. 73, p.e894-e902
Een nieuwe predictieregel voor acuut coronair syndroom Loes Wouters, Dorien Zwart, Daphne Erkelens, Esther de Groot, Roger Damoiseaux, Frans Rutten
Huisarts en Wetenschap, 2023, vol. 66, p.20-25
Displaying concerns within telephone triage conversations of callers with chest discomfort in out-of-hours primary care Michelle Spek, Tessa C van Charldorp, Vera V Vinck, Roderick P Venekamp, Frans H Rutten, Dorien LM Zwart, Esther de Groot
Patient Education and Counseling, 2023, vol. 113

External positions

general practitioner, Gezondheidscentrum De Bilt (Healthcare Center De Bilt)