Profile photo Jaco Zwanenburg

Jaco Zwanenburg

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Jaco Zwanenburg studied Applied Physics at the Delft University of Technology (1995 - 2001). He concluded his study with a research project in MRI at Philips Medical Systems, Best. In this project he developed a patented method to use sensitivity encoding from multiple receive coils to reduce artifacts in the reconstructed image caused by the field inhomogeneity and gradient non-linearity of the MR system.

From 2001 until 2005, he did his PhD research at the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, with a project on MRI and myocardial tagging to study the dyssynchrony in the mechanical contraction of the human heart.

His current research focus is on designing and implementing new MRI techniques at ultra-high field strength (7T), to stimulate further understanding of cerebrovascular diseases. Exploiting the rich sources of endogenous MRI contrast, he developed imaging techniques for angiography, venography, brain anatomy, and microscopic brain lesions resulting from small vessel disease, including microbleeds and microinfarcts. Furthermore, he has developed imaging strategies for imaging post mortem specimens at high resolution, to bridge the gap between histology and in-vivo imaging in patients.

Research groups

High field MRI research group

Research aim

Our research lines incorporate inventions of MR technology to be able to see the unseen for advancing medicine. Our clinical research focus areas are cancer, dementia, cardiovascular, stroke and MSK.

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Translational neuroimaging group

Research aim

To develop and apply advanced MRI methods for (pre)clinical research on neuronal and cerebrovascular biology in order to: 1) unravel critical aspects of brain impairment and recovery 2) advance brain treatments (focus: cerebrovascular diseases).

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Recent publications

Blood Flow Velocity Analysis in Cerebral Perforating Arteries on 7T 2D Phase Contrast MRI with an Open-Source Software Tool (SELMA) S. D.T. Pham, C. Chatziantoniou, J. T. van Vliet, R. J. van Tuijl, M. Bulk, M. Costagli, L. de Rochefort, O. Kraff, M. E. Ladd, K. Pine, I. Ronen, J. C.W. Siero, M. Tosetti, A. Villringer, G. J. Biessels, J. J.M. Zwanenburg
Neuroinformatics, 2025, vol. 23
Intra-Aneurysmal High-Resolution 4D MR Flow Imaging for Hemodynamic Imaging Markers in Intracranial Aneurysm Instability R J van Tuijl, C S den Hertog, K M Timmins, B K Velthuis, P van Ooij, J J M Zwanenburg, Y M Ruigrok, I C van der Schaaf
AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology, 2024, vol. 45, p.1678-1684
Detectability and accuracy of computational measurements of in-silico and physical representations of enlarged perivascular spaces from magnetic resonance images Roberto Duarte Coello, Maria Del C Valdés Hernández, Jaco J M Zwanenburg, Moniek van der Velden, Hugo J Kuijf, Alberto De Luca, José Bernal Moyano, Lucia Ballerini, Francesca M Chappell, Rosalind Brown, Geert Jan Biessels, Joanna M Wardlaw
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2024, vol. 403
Increased Intracranial Arterial Pulsatility and Microvascular Brain Damage in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum J. W. Bartstra, T. van den Beukel, G. Kranenburg, L. J. Geurts, A. M. den Harder, T. Witkamp, J. M. Wolterink, J. J.M. Zwanenburg, Evelien van Valen, H.L. Koek, W. P.T.M. Mali, P. A. de Jong, J. Hendrikse, W. Spiering
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2024, vol. 45, p.386-392
Assessment of Small Vessel Function Using 7T MRI in Patients With Sporadic Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Hilde Van Den Brink, Stanley Pham, Jeroen C. Siero, Tine Arts, Laurien Onkenhout, Hugo Kuijf, Jeroen Hendrikse, Joanna M. Wardlaw, Martin Dichgans, Jaco J. Zwanenburg, Geert Jan Biessels
Neurology, 2024, vol. 102
The heartbeat induces local volumetric compression in the healthy human brain Ellen van Hulst, Mario G Báez-Yáñez, Ayodeji L Adams, Geert Jan Biessels, Jacobus J M Zwanenburg
Interface focus, 2024, vol. 14

Fellowships & Awards

ERC starting grant "Towards understanding cerebral small vessel disease: Innovative, MRI-based, functional markers to discover the terra incognita between large vessels and macroscopic brain lesions (SmallVesselMRI)" (2013, ERC grant agreement n°337333).

Vici grant: "Seismology of the brain - A new approach for probing the brain’s microvasculature and tissue properties" (2021)