Profile photo Yves Liem

Yves Liem

Research Staff Other


Yves Liem was born on July 31st 1976 in St. Gallen, Switzerland. When he was almost four years old he moved with his parents and younger brother to the Netherlands. He grew up in Emmeloord and completed high school at the ‘Zuyderzee College’ in Emmeloord in 1994. Subsequently, he started his studies Pharmacy at Utrecht University and received his pharmacist degree in 2001. During his studies he completed a research project at ‘The Scripps Research Institute’ in the Department of Neuropharmacology in San Diego, United States of America (supervisors: prof.dr. B. Olivier and prof.dr. A. Markou).

In 2001 he started working as a pharmacist at the St. Anna hospital, Geldrop. After almost a year he went to the Erasmus MC, University Medical Centre Rotterdam, to work as a pharmacist, and shortly thereafter he started his training to become a hospital pharmacist in 2002 (supervisor: prof. dr. A.G. Vulto). During this training he was involved in the PhD research project of Margreet Filius entitled ‘Antimicrobial use and resistance in hospitalized patients’. As a result he became member of the ‘SWAB (Stichting Werkgroep AntibioticaBeleid) working group on surveillance of antimicrobial use’. In his last year of his training of hospital pharmacist, he specialized in ‘paediatric clinical pharmacy’ in the Erasmus MC-Sophia (supervisor: dr. L.M. Hanff). He received his degree as hospital pharmacist in 2006.

From mid-2006 he holds a position as a registered hospital pharmacist at the Department of Clinical Pharmacy (locations Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital and AZU) at the University Medical Centre Utrecht, with special interest in the field of pediatrics. From 2008-2011 he combined this position with a PhD research project, performed in close collaboration with the Department of Neonatology, of which the results were presented in a thesis called 'Antimicrobial drug use in hospitalized children' (supervisors: prof. dr. A.C.G. Egberts, prof. dr. F. van Bel, dr. T.G. Krediet, dr. C.M.A. Rademaker). From 2007-2012 he was also chairman of the Special Interest Group (SIG) ‘Paediatrics’ of the Dutch Association of Hospital Pharmacists (NVZA). In 2009 he became one of the supervisors of the education programme on pharmacology and pharmacotherapy within the medical school of the Utrecht University (CRU). In 2012 he obtained his Basic University Teaching Qualification (Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO)) and in 2020 his Advanced University Teaching Qualification (Senior Kwalificatie Onderwijs (SKO)). He became clinical pharmacologist in 2016. Since 2022 he is member of The Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) NedMec, which is a recognized medical research ethics committee to which the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, the Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology and the UMC Utrecht are affiliated. At the end of 2021 he holds position as Head of Section of Research, Education and Training in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy.

Yves is married to Marieke. They are proud parents of three sons, Ward (2007), Krijn (2009) and Sweder (2012).

Research groups

Clinical pharmacy research

Research aim

The mission of the clinical pharmacy program is to explain, predict and improve patients’ response to pharmacotherapeutic treatment using clinical pharmacological and clinical pharmacoepidemiological approaches.

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Recent publications

Developing a paediatric drug formulary for the Netherlands Tjitske M. van der Zanden, Saskia N. De Wildt, Yves Liem, Martin Offringa, Matthijs De Hoog
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2016, vol. 102, p.357-361
Drug shortages in hospital pharmacy: experiences from Europe TB Liem, AD Lindemans, T Langebner, Arnold Vulto
EJHP Practice, 2004, p.46-48