Profile photo Woutjan Branderhorst

Woutjan Branderhorst

Assistant Professor


Woutjan Branderhorst obtained a MSc degree in Computer Science from the Eindhoven University of Technology. He performed his graduation project in the Biomedical Engineering department, where he worked on machine learning techniques for automatic MRI-based atherosclerotic plaque classification. In 2011 he finished his PhD thesis "Focused multi-pinhole SPECT" at the University Medical Center Utrecht (Image Sciences Institute), under supervision of prof. Freek Beekman and prof. Max Viergever. He then continued to work as a post-doctoral fellow at the Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, where he worked with prof. Kees Grimbergen and prof. Ard den Heeten on the development and validation of pressure-guided mammography. Part of this work was performed as a visiting researcher at Volpara Solutions (New Zealand).

In May 2018, he returned to the UMC Utrecht to work in the group of prof. Hugo de Jong, applying his experience as a researcher and medical device developer to set up and contribute to the development of a simultaneous PET/MRI scanner in the University Medical Centre Utrecht. Since August 2023, he also works as a researcher and project manager under supervision of prof. Dennis Klomp and dr. Jeanine Prompers in the MAESTRO project. This project entails the development of acceleration and motion correction methods for metabolic MRI and employing the META-scan system to assess early therapy response in multiple different patient populations.

Woutjan's current research interests are acceleration and motion correction techniques for magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), the development and application of simultaneous PET/MRSI, and the application of machine learning techniques in radiology and nuclear medicine.

Recent publications

Machine learning-basic unsupervised methods (Cluster analysis methods, t-SNE) M. Espadoto, S. B. Martins, W. Branderhorst, A. Telea
2023, p.141-159
Minimizing the need for coil attenuation correction in integrated PET/MRI at 1.5 T using low-density MR-linac receive arrays Stefan Emiel Zijlema, Woutjan Branderhorst, Remco Bastiaannet, Rob H N Tijssen, Jan J W Lagendijk, Cornelis A T Van den Berg
Physics in medicine and biology, 2021, vol. 66, p.1-12
Evaluation of the radiofrequency performance of a wide-bore 1.5 T positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging body coil for radiotherapy planning Woutjan Branderhorst, Bart R. Steensma, Casper Beijst, Erik R. Huijing, Cezar Alborahal, Edwin Versteeg, Bjoern Weissler, David Schug, Pierre Gebhardt, Nicolas Gross-Weege, Florian Mueller, Karl Krueger, Thomas Dey, Harald Radermacher, Oliver Lips, Jan Lagendijk, Volkmar Schulz, Hugo W.A.M. de Jong, Dennis W.J. Klomp
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2021, vol. 17, p.13-19
Accelerated SPECT image reconstruction with FBP and an image enhancement convolutional neural network Martijn M A Dietze, Woutjan Branderhorst, Britt Kunnen, Max A Viergever, Hugo W A M de Jong
EJNMMI physics, 2019, vol. 6
Pressure-standardised mammography does not affect visibility, contrast and sharpness of stable lesions J E de Groot, I G M Hopman, M G J T B van Lier, W Branderhorst, C A Grimbergen, G J den Heeten
European Journal of Radiology, 2017, vol. 86, p.289-295
Technical Note Woutjan Branderhorst, Jerry E de Groot, Monique G J T B van Lier, Ralph P Highnam, Gerard J den Heeten, Cornelis A Grimbergen
Medical Physics, 2017, vol. 44, p.4040-4044