Profile photo Wouter van Solinge

Wouter van Solinge

Full Professor


Wouter van Solinge (1962) studied Pharmaceutical Sciences at Utrecht University. After finishing his studies in 1988, he moved to Copenhagen, Denmark for a period of four years to work at the University Hospital (Rigshospitalet). End of 1992, he started his residency at the Meander Medical Center in Amersfoort, to become a clinical chemist. He became a registered clinical chemist in February 1997 and accepted a job as clinical chemist and staff member both at the Meander Medical Center and at the University Medical Center St Radboud in Nijmegen. In September 1998, Van Solinge moved to the University Medical Center Utrecht, to work as clinical chemist and staff member at the Central Diagnostic Laboratory. In April 2000 he became Associate Head of Department and in April 2002, Head of Department. He became professor of Laboratory Medicine in December 2003. In 2004 he started the Utrecht Patient Oriented Database (UPOD), a translational database containing all data on patients treated at the UMC Utrecht, for research purposes.

In addition, among other, he was the Medical Director of the Division of Laboratories and Pharmacy from October 2007 and Chairman of the Division since June 2012 until September 2016.

Within the UMC Utrecht he was until January 2020 the Ambassador for eHealth & Big Data. In that capacity he was responsible for the corporate program Applied Data Analytics in Medicine (ADAM).

Since December 2021 he is Visiting Professor at the Department of Genomic Medicine, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.



Recent publications

The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Patient-Physician Trust Anna G M Zondag, Raoul Rozestraten, Stephan G Grimmelikhuijsen, Karin R Jongsma, Wouter W van Solinge, Michiel L Bots, Robin W M Vernooij, Saskia Haitjema
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2024, vol. 26
A novel composition of endogenous metabolic modulators improves red blood cell properties in sickle cell disease Myrthe J van Dijk, Marissa J M Traets, Brigitte A van Oirschot, Titine J J Ruiter, Jonathan R A de Wilde, Jennifer Bos, Wouter W van Solinge, Margaret J Koziel, Judith J M Jans, Revati Wani, Eduard J van Beers, Richard van Wijk, Minke A E Rab
EJHaem, 2024, vol. 5, p.21-32
Metabolic blood profile and response to treatment with the pyruvate kinase activator mitapivat in patients with sickle cell disease Myrthe J van Dijk, Titine J J Ruiter, Sigrid van der Veen, Minke A E Rab, Brigitte A van Oirschot, Jennifer Bos, Cleo Derichs, Anita W Rijneveld, Marjon H Cnossen, Erfan Nur, Bart J Biemond, Marije Bartels, Roger E G Schutgens, Wouter W van Solinge, Judith J M Jans, Eduard J van Beers, Richard van Wijk
Hemasphere, 2024, vol. 8
Comparison of the Response to an Electronic Versus a Traditional Informed Consent Procedure in Terms of Clinical Patient Characteristics Anna G M Zondag, Marieke J Hollestelle, Rieke van der Graaf, Hendrik M Nathoe, Wouter W van Solinge, Michiel L Bots, Robin W M Vernooij, Saskia Haitjema,
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2024, vol. 26
Asking informed consent may lead to significant participation bias and suboptimal cardiovascular risk management in learning healthcare systems Anna G M Zondag, T Katrien J Groenhof, Rieke van der Graaf, Wouter W van Solinge, Michiel L Bots, Saskia Haitjema, , Marielle H Emmelot-Vonk
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2023, vol. 23
Characteristics of peripheral blood cells are independently related to major adverse cardiovascular events after carotid endarterectomy L. Malin Overmars, Joost M. Mekke, Wouter W. van Solinge, Saskia C.A. De Jager, Cornelia A.R. Hulsbergen-Veelken, Imo E. Hoefer, Dominique P.V. de Kleijn, Gert J. de Borst, Sander W. van der Laan, Saskia Haitjema
Atherosclerosis Plus, 2023, vol. 52, p.32-40

External positions

Visiting professor - Research Red Blood Cell & Data-analytics - Copenhagen University Hospital Center for Genomic Medicine