Full Professor
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Wouter de Laat studied biology at the Utrecht University. During his PhD (1998) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Prof. Jan Hoeijmakers) he investigated the molecular mechanism of nucleotide excision repair. He identified one of the nucleases and characterized the interplay between repair factors at the site of the lesion. As a postdoc, he joined the group of Prof. Frank Grosveld to work on beta-globin gene activation. In 2000 he received a career grant (VIDI) to work on long-range gene activation. His group used 3C technology, and later developed 4C technology, to demonstrate chromatin loops between genes and enhancers and to uncover long-range DNA contacts within and between chromosomes.
In 2008 he received an ERC Young Investigator Grant. In September 2008 de Laat moved his group to the Hubrecht Institute, where he continued his work on genome structure and function. In January 2009 he was appointed professor in Biomedical Genomics at the University Medical Center Utrecht. He received a prestigious VICI career grant in 2012.
VIDI (2000)
VICI (2012)
ERC Starting Grant (2008)
EMBO Member