Profile photo Willem Verpoest

Willem Verpoest

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Willem Verpoest graduated at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, as Obstetrician-Gynaecologist in 2003 and qualified as EBCOG subspecialist in reproductive medicine in 2007 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. In 2010 he obtained a PhD in Medical Sciences entitled ‘The Clinical Reproductive Outcome of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis’. He is currently full professor at the Utrecht University Medical Centre at Utrecht University. Previously he was professor and medical co-director at Brussels IVF fertility centre and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. His areas of expertise are PGT, reproductive genetics and implantation. He is currently president of the Belgian Society for Reproductive Medicine (BSRM) and board member of the Female Reproductive Genetics Initiative (FeRGI).

Research groups

FUTURA Utrecht - Future Health and Reproduction Academy Utrecht

Research aim

Our mission is to study the origin of life and the factors that affect its development from embryo to adult.

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Recent publications

The interplay between mitochondrial DNA genotypes, female infertility, ovarian response, and mutagenesis in oocytes Annelore Van Der Kelen, Letizia Li Piani, Joke Mertens, Marius Regin, Edouard Couvreu De Deckersberg, Hilde Van De Velde, Karen Sermon, Herman Tournaye, Willem Verpoest, Frederik Jan Hes, Christophe Blockeel, Claudia Spits
Human Reproduction Open, 2025, vol. 2025
A heatmap for expected cumulative live birth rate in preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders and chromosomal structural rearrangements Kathelijn Keymolen, Wilfried Cools, Anick De Vos, Laura Pölsler, Michel De Vos, Christophe Blockeel, Elia Fernandez-Gallardo, Martine De Rycke, Veerle Berckmoes, Pieter Verdyck, Frederik Jan Hes, Willem Verpoest
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2024, vol. 41, p.1907-1915
Add-ons in medically assisted reproduction Munevver Serdarogullari, Omar Ammar , Mina Mincheva, Claudia Massarotti, Zoya Ali, Sofia Makieva, Julia Uraji, Juan Fraire-Zamora, Kashish Sharma, Ioannis Sfontouris, Nick Macklon, Willem Verpoest, Manuela Perrotta, George Liperis
Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 2024, vol. 40, p.398-404
Genetics of infertility Willem Verpoest, Özlem Okutman, Annelore Van Der Kelen, Karen Sermon, Stéphane Viville
Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 2023, vol. 38, p.2289-2295
Cleavage-stage or blastocyst-stage embryo biopsy has no impact on growth and health in children up to 2 years of age Florence Belva, Fiskani Kondowe, Anick De Vos, Kathelijn Keymolen, Andrea Buysse, Frederik Hes, Veerle Berckmoes, Pieter Verdyck, Willem Verpoest, Martine De Rycke
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology [E], 2023, vol. 21
A systematic review and evidence assessment of monogenic gene-disease relationships in human female infertility and differences in sex development Annelore Van Der Kelen, Özlem Okutman, Elodie Javey, Münevver Serdarogullari, Charlotte Janssens, Manjusha S Ghosh, Bart J H Dequeker, Florence Perold, Claire Kastner, Emmanuelle Kieffer, Ingrid Segers, Alexander Gheldof, Frederik J Hes, Karen Sermon, Willem Verpoest, Stéphane Viville
Human Reproduction Update, 2023, vol. 29, p.218-232

External positions

Voorzitter - Organiseren scientific meetings, voorzitten bestuursvergaderingen, content aanleveren nieuwsbrief - Belgian Society for Reproductive Medicine