Profile photo Emmanuel Wiertz

Emmanuel Wiertz

Full Professor


Emmanuel Wiertz  obtained a degree in Veterinary Medicine from Utrecht University in 1986. From 1987-1994, he was investigator and group leader at the Vaccine Development Unit of the National Institute of Health and the Environment in Bilthoven, The Netherlands. In 1993, he obtained a PhD at Utrecht University for his studies on T cell recognition of Neisseria meningitidis outer membrane proteins (awarded cum laude). He received training in immunology, virology and cell biology as an intern at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and as EMBO fellow at the laboratory of Prof. Hidde Ploegh at MIT, Cambrigde MA (1994-1996). After returning from the US, he briefly went back to the RIVM and subsequently was appointed professor of Medical Microbiology, in particular Experimental Virology, at the Leiden University Medical Center. In 2009, his lab moved to the University Medical Center in Utrecht. The Wiertz lab investigates virus-host interactions, with special interest in viral immune evasion mechanisms. This research is at the interface of virology, immunology and cell biology, a combination of disciplines that has facilitated the elucidation of a variety of fascinating immune evasion strategies employed by herpesviruses. More recently, the lab has adopted novel technologies such as genome-wide shRNA libraries and the CRISPR/Cas technology as powerful instruments to explore new avenues in host-pathogen research.

Recent publications

Proinsulin degradation and presentation of a proinsulin B-chain autoantigen involves ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD)-enzyme UBE2G2 Tom Cremer, Hanneke Hoelen, Michael L van de Weijer, George M Janssen, Ana I Costa, Peter A van Veelen, Robert Jan Lebbink, Emmanuel J H J Wiertz
PLoS ONE, 2024, vol. 19
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing of the thymidine kinase gene in a clinical HSV-1 isolate identifies F289S as novel acyclovir-resistant mutation Shuxuan Zheng, Georges M.G.M. Verjans, Anouk Evers, Ellen van den Wittenboer, Jeroen H.T. Tjhie, Robert Snoeck, Emmanuel J.H.J. Wiertz, Graciela Andrei, Jeroen J.A. van Kampen, Robert Jan Lebbink
Antiviral Research, 2024, vol. 228
Enhanced antigen cross-presentation in human colorectal cancer-associated fibroblasts through upregulation of the lysosomal protease cathepsin S Tom J. Harryvan, Marten Visser, Linda De Bruin, Léonie Plug, Lisa Griffioen, Arend Mulder, Peter A. Van Veelen, Gerbrand J. Van Der Heden Van Noort, Marlieke L.M. Jongsma, Miranda H. Meeuwsen, Emmanuel J.H.J. Wiertz, Saskia J. Santegoets, James C.H. Hardwick, Thorbald Van Hall, Jacques Neefjes, Sjoerd H. Van Der Burg, Lukas J.A.C. Hawinkels, Els M.E. Verdegaal
Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer, 2022, vol. 10
The UFM1 Pathway Impacts HCMV US2-Mediated Degradation of HLA Class I A B C Schuren, I G J Boer, E M Bouma, M L Van de Weijer, A I Costa, P Hubel, A Pichlmair, R J Lebbink, E J H J Wiertz
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2021, vol. 26
A class II MHC-targeted vaccine elicits immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants Novalia Pishesha, Thibault J Harmand, Paul W Rothlauf, Patrique Praest, Ryan K Alexander, Renate van den Doel, Mariel J Liebeskind, Maria A Vakaki, Nicholas McCaul, Charlotte Wijne, Elisha Verhaar, William Pinney, Hailey Heston, Louis-Marie Bloyet, Marjorie Cornejo Pontelli, Ma Xenia G Ilagan, Robert Jan Lebbink, William J Buchser, Emmanuel J H J Wiertz, Sean P J Whelan, Hidde L Ploegh
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2021, vol. 118, p.1-10
Splenic Red Pulp Macrophages Cross-Prime Early Effector CTL That Provide Rapid Defense against Viral Infections Marika Enders, Lars Franken, Marie-Sophie Philipp, Nina Kessler, Ann-Kathrin Baumgart, Melanie Eichler, Emmanuel J H Wiertz, Natalio Garbi, Christian Kurts
Journal of Immunology, 2020, vol. 204, p.87-100

Fellowships & Awards

(co-)awarded many fellowships and research grants in the course of his career. Among them are The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF), several funding schemes of the European Commission, The Dr. F.P. Fischer Foundation, Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation (DFN), and Dutch Arthritis Foundation (DAF).

He is part of the European Horizon 2020 Consortium EDGE, a collaboration among academic, clinical and industrial partners addressing virological and immunological unknowns of herpesvirus infections.



External positions

Voorzitter sectie virologie - expertise op het gebied van de virologie - KNVM