Frank Vleggaar

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


1997-2000                  Research physician: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, ErasmusMedicalCenter, Rotterdam

2000-2003                  Trainee Internal Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Haaglanden, The Hague

2003-2006                  Trainee Gastroenterology, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UMC Utrecht and St Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

02-2006                      Member of Staff, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UMC Utrecht

2006-2016                  Head of Endoscopy Unit, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UMC Utrecht

2013-2019                  Member of the Quality Inspection Committee of the Dutch Society of Gastroenterologists

2014-2019                  Chairman of the Quality Inspection Committee of the Dutch Society of Gastroenterologists

2015-2016                  Clinical Head of the dept. of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (a.i.), UMC Utrecht

2016-current               Medical Head of the dept. of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, UMC Utrecht

2017-current               Professor in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, UMC Utrecht/UU

2017-current               Examinor study Medicine, “Stofwisseling 2”

2019 (March)  President of the Netherlands Association of Hepatogastroenterologists

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Optimization of ERCP Technique to Improve the Sensitivity of Biliary Brushing Robert C Verdonk, Roeland Zoutendijk, Peter J Van der Schaar, Paul Didden, Hans Kelder, Lodewijk A Brosens, Hjalmar C Van Santvoort, Mihaela G Raicu, Frank Vleggaar
Journal of Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases, 2024, vol. 33, p.254-260
Development of pancreatic diseases during long-term follow-up after acute pancreatitis Fem de Rijk, N J Sissingh, T T Boel, H C Timmerhuis, Mjp de Jong, H S Pauw, C L van Veldhuisen, N D Hallensleben, Mpgf Anten, M A Brink, W L Curvers, P van Duijvendijk, W L Hazen, S D Kuiken, A C Poen, R Quispel, Teh Römkens, Bwm Spanier, Acitl Tan, F P Vleggaar, Amcj Voorburg, Bjm Witteman, U Ahmed Ali, Y Issa, Saw Bouwense, R P Voermans, Rlj van Wanrooij, Mwj Stommel, J E van Hooft, P J de Jonge, H van Goor, M A Boermeester, M G Besselink, M J Bruno, R C Verdonk, H C van Santvoort,
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2024, vol. 39, p.674-684
Risk Factors for Cholangitis After Pancreatoduodenectomy Youcef Salaheddine, Anne Claire Henry, Lois A Daamen, Wouter J M Derksen, Krijn P van Lienden, I Quintus Molenaar, Hjalmar C van Santvoort, Frank P Vleggaar, Robert C Verdonk
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2023, vol. 68, p.3158-3166
Diagnostic value of radiological staging and surveillance for T1 colorectal carcinomas Jelle F Huisman, Hao Dang, Leon M G Moons, Yara Backes, Vincent K Dik, John N Groen, Frank Ter Borg, Jeroen D van Bergeijk, Joost M J Geesing, B W Marcel Spanier, Joachim S Terhaar Sive Droste, Anouk Overwater, Niels van Lelyveld, Koen Kessels, Miangela M Lacle, G Johan A Offerhaus, Richard M Brohet, Nikki Knijn, Frank P Vleggaar, Henderik L van Westreenen, Wouter H de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel, Jurjen J Boonstra,
United European Gastroenterology Journal, 2023, vol. 11, p.551-563
Endoscopic ultrasonography-guided gastroenterostomy versus surgical gastrojejunostomy for palliation of malignant gastric outlet obstruction (ENDURO) Janine B Kastelijn, Yorick L van de Pavert, Marc G Besselink, Paul Fockens, Rogier P Voermans, Roy L J van Wanrooij, Thomas R de Wijkerslooth, Wouter L Curvers, Ignace H J T de Hingh, Marco J Bruno, Bas Groot Koerkamp, Gijs A Patijn, Alexander C Poen, Jeanin E van Hooft, Akin Inderson, J Sven D Mieog, Jan-Werner Poley, Alderina Bijlsma, Daan J Lips, Niels G Venneman, Robert C Verdonk, Hendrik M van Dullemen, Frederik J H Hoogwater, Geert W J Frederix, I Quintus Molenaar, Paco M J Welsing, Leon M G Moons, Hjalmar C van Santvoort, Frank P Vleggaar,
Trials, 2023, vol. 24
Intra-gastric balloon with lifestyle modification A M van Dijk, M de Vries, F El-Morabit, S T Bac, M W Mundt, L E van der Schuit, M M C Hirdes, M Kara, J de Bruijne, S van Meer, H A H Kaasjager, H W de Valk, F P Vleggaar, K J van Erpecum
Internal and Emergency Medicine, 2023, vol. 18, p.2271-2280

External positions

trainingen voor plaatsingen Hot Axios stents; onderwijs presentaties, user meetings - MDL-arts / interventie endoscopist - Boston Scientific