Profile photo Vera Loen

Vera Loen

PHD Candidate - Medical

Recent publications

Detection of Ischemic ST-Segment Changes Using a Novel Handheld ECG Device in a Porcine Model Nynke M. de Vries, Alejandra Zepeda-Echavarria, Rutger R. van de Leur, Vera Loen, Marc A. Vos, Machteld J. Boonstra, Thierry X. Wildbergh, Joris E.N. Jaspers, Rien van der Zee, Cornelis H. Slump, Pieter A. Doevendans, René van Es
JACC: Advances, 2023, vol. 2
High-rate pacing suppresses Torsade de Pointes arrhythmias and reduces spatial dispersion of repolarization in the chronic AV-block dog model Vera Loen, Valerie Y H Van Weperen, Henriëtte D M Beekman, Joanne J A Van Bavel, Veronique M F Meijborg, Jeanne G Van der Waal, Ruben Coronel, Marcel A G van der Heyden, Marc A Vos
Frontiers in Physiology, 2023, vol. 14
Automatic measurement of short-term variability of repolarization to indicate ventricular arrhythmias in a porcine model of cardiac ischaemia Vera Loen, Agnieszka Smoczynska, Alfonso Aranda Hernandez, Coert O S Scheerder, Britt H R van der Linde, Henriëtte D M Beekman, Aina Cervera-Barea, Gerard J J Boink, Joost P G Sluijter, Marcel A G van der Heyden, Mathias Meine, Marc A Vos
Europace : European pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac electrophysiology : journal of the working groups on cardiac pacing, arrhythmias, and cardiac cellular electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, 2023, vol. 25
Quantitative Analysis of the Cytoskeleton's Role in Inward Rectifier K IR 2.1 Forward and Backward Trafficking Encan Li, Vera Loen, Willem B van Ham, Willy Kool, Marcel A G van der Heyden, Hiroki Takanari
Frontiers in Physiology, 2022, vol. 12, p.1-13
The canine chronic atrioventricular block model in cardiovascular preclinical drug research Vera Loen, Marc A. Vos, Marcel A.G. van der Heyden
British Journal of Pharmacology, 2021, vol. 179, p.859-881