Profile photo Saskia van Mil

Saskia van Mil

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Saskia van Mil (PhD) is Professor of Molecular and Translational Metabolism at the University Medical Center Utrecht, and Director of the Center for Molecular Medicine ( She is a member of the governing board and scientific committee of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (
She received her PhD from the University of Utrecht in 2004, on the topic of genetic disorders of pediatric cholestasis. As a post-doc at Imperial College London, United Kingdom, she studied the role of the bile salt sensor farnesoid X receptor (FXR) in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.
Since then, she has been intrigued by the versatility in molecular mechanisms of transcription by the nuclear receptor FXR and its therapeutic potential. Having received funding from the Netherlands’ Organisation of Scientific Research (Veni, Vidi, Vici), European Commission, Dutch Digestive Disease Foundation and DSM, her group studies the molecular and translational aspects of energy metabolism in the liver and the intestine. Amongst other projects, her group studies the molecular mechanisms of FXR function in metabolic disorders (e.g. NASH) and disorders of intestinal integrity (e.g. IBD). For more information on her research, please visit 

Research groups

Molecular and translational metabolism

Research aim

The van Mil group aims to better understand the underlying cause of human metabolic diseases and associated cancer development and to spur and contribute to the development of improved diagnostics as well as improved therapeutic approaches.

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Recent publications

Dietary cystine restriction increases the proliferative capacity of the small intestine of mice Judith C.W. de Jong, Kristel S. van Rooijen, Edwin C.A. Stigter, M. Can Gülersönmez, Marcel R. de Zoete, Janetta Top, Matthijs J.D. Baars, Yvonne Vercoulen, Folkert Kuipers, Saskia W.C. Van Mil, Noortje Ijssennagger
PLoS ONE, 2024, vol. 19
Performance of non-invasive tests and histology for the prediction of clinical outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Ferenc E. Mózes, Jenny A. Lee, Yasaman Vali, Osama Alzoubi, Katharina Staufer, Michael Trauner, Rafael Paternostro, Rudolf E. Stauber, Adriaan G. Holleboom, Anne Marieke van Dijk, Anne Linde Mak, Jérôme Boursier, Marc de Saint Loup, Toshihide Shima, Elisabetta Bugianesi, Silvia Gaia, Angelo Armandi, Shalimar, Monica Lupșor-Platon, Vincent Wai Sun Wong, Guanlin Li, Grace Lai Hung Wong, Jeremy Cobbold, Thomas Karlas, Johannes Wiegand, Giada Sebastiani, Emmanuel Tsochatzis, Antonio Liguori, Masato Yoneda, Atsushi Nakajima, Hannes Hagström, Camilla Akbari, Masashi Hirooka, Wah Kheong Chan, Sanjiv Mahadeva, Ruveena Rajaram, Ming Hua Zheng, Jacob George, Mohammed Eslam, Salvatore Petta, Grazia Pennisi, Mauro Viganò, Sofia Ridolfo, Guruprasad Padur Aithal, Naaventhan Palaniyappan, Dae Ho Lee, Mattias Ekstedt, Patrik Nasr, Christophe Cassinotto, Saskia van Mil,
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2023, vol. 8, p.704-713
Human liver organoids Marta B Afonso, Vanda Marques, Saskia W C van Mil, Cecilia M P Rodrigues
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 2023, vol. 79, p.1432-1451
Multi-country metabolic signature discovery for chicken health classification Joanna C. Wolthuis, Stefanía Magnúsdóttir, Edwin Stigter, Yuen Fung Tang, Judith Jans, Myrthe Gilbert, Bart van der Hee, Pim Langhout, Walter Gerrits, Arie Kies, Jeroen de Ridder, Saskia van Mil
Metabolomics, 2023, vol. 19
Rifaximin stimulates nitrogen detoxification by PXR-independent mechanisms in human small intestinal organoids Koos de Wit, Ulrich Beuers, Anna Mukha, Edwin Stigter, M Can Gulersonmez, Jose M Ramos Pittol, Sabine Middendorp, R Bart Takkenberg, Saskia W C van Mil
Liver International, 2022, vol. 43, p.649-659
PPARγ lipodystrophy mutants reveal intermolecular interactions required for enhancer activation Maria Stahl Madsen, Marjoleine F. Broekema, Martin Rønn Madsen, Arjen Koppen, Anouska Borgman, Cathrin Gräwe, Elisabeth G.K. Thomsen, Denise Westland, Mariette E.G. Kranendonk, Marian Groot Koerkamp, Nicole Hamers, Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin, José M.Ramos Pittol, Kedar Nath Natarajan, Sander Kersten, Frank C.P. Holstege, Houshang Monajemi, Saskia W.C. van Mil, Michiel Vermeulen, Birthe B. Kragelund, David Cassiman, Susanne Mandrup, Eric Kalkhoven
Nature Communications, 2022, vol. 13

External positions

Vidi beoordelingscommissie - Jaarlijks beoordelen en priotiriseren van aanvragen - ZonMW

Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad van de MLDS - jaarlijkse beoordeling en prioritering van ingediende grant proposals - MLDS