Profile photo Carla van Gils

Carla van Gils

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Carla van Gils obtained her degree in Biomedical Health Sciences (1994) and her PhD degree in Epidemiology at Nijmegen University (1998). In 1998 she received a fellowship from the Dutch Cancer Society in with which she worked as a visiting scientist at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA in 1999 and 2000. From 2001 she works at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care. From 2014 - June 2021 Carla van Gils was the coordinator of the Cancer Research program of the Julius Center, management team member of the Epidemiology department and board member of the UMC Utrecht Cancer Research program. In October 2017 she was appointed Professor in Clinical Epidemiology of Cancer. Since June 2021 she combines her professorship with a position as director of the Dutch Cancer Society

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Julius Center Research Program Cancer

Research aim

Our mission is to drive impactful innovation for cancer prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and care through interdisciplinary research, fostering collaboration among researchers across disciplines within the Julius Center and beyond.

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Recent publications

Automated rating of background parenchymal enhancement in MRI of extremely dense breasts without compromising the association with breast cancer in the DENSE trial Hui Wang, Bas H.M.van der Velden, Erik Verburg, Marije F. Bakker, Ruud M. Pijnappel, Wouter B. Veldhuis, Carla H. van Gils, Kenneth G.A. Gilhuijs
European Journal of Radiology, 2024, vol. 175
The effect of skeletal muscle mass on dose-limiting toxicities during (chemo)radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer A. W.M.A. Schaeffers, H. A. Scholten, M. A. van Beers, B. W. Meussen, E. J. Smid, C. H. van Gils, L. A. Devriese, R. de Bree
Oral Oncology, 2024, vol. 157
Diagnostic accuracy of supplemental three-dimensional breast ultrasound in the work-up of BI-RADS 0 screening recalls Bianca M den Dekker, Mireille J M Broeders, Carla Meeuwis, Wikke Setz-Pels, Alexander Venmans, Carla H van Gils, Ruud M Pijnappel
Insights into Imaging, 2024, vol. 15
Prophylactic pectoralis major flap to compensate for increased risk of pharyngocutaneous fistula in laryngectomy patients with low skeletal muscle mass (PECTORALIS) Maartje A van Beers, Caroline M Speksnijder, Carla H van Gils, Geert W J Frederix, Jan Willem Dankbaar, Remco de Bree
BMC Cancer, 2024, vol. 24, p.76
Validation of the BOADICEA model in a prospective cohort of BRCA1/2 pathogenic variant carriers. Xin Yang, Thea M Mooij, Goska Leslie, Lorenzo Ficorella, Nadine Andrieu, Karin Kast, Christian F Singer, Anna Jakubowska, Carla H van Gils, Yen Y Tan, Christoph Engel, Muriel A Adank, Christi J van Asperen, Margreet G E M Ausems, Pascaline Berthet, Margriet J Collee, Jackie A Cook, Jacqueline Eason, Karin Y van Spaendonck-Zwarts, D Gareth Evans, Encarna B Gómez García, Helen Hanson, Louise Izatt, Zoe Kemp, Fiona Lalloo, Christine Lasset, Fabienne Lesueur, Hannah Musgrave, Sophie Nambot, Catherine Noguès, Jan C Oosterwijk, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Marc Tischkowitz, Vishakha Tripathi, Marijke R Wevers, Emily Zhao, Flora E van Leeuwen, Marjanka K Schmidt, Douglas F Easton, Matti A Rookus, Antonis C Antoniou,
Journal of Medical Genetics, 2024, vol. 61, p.803-809
Assessing Quantitative Parenchymal Features at Baseline Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI and Cancer Occurrence in Women with Extremely Dense Breasts Hui Wang, Bas H.M. van der Velden, Erik Verburg, Marije F. Bakker, Ruud M. Pijnappel, Wouter B. Veldhuis, Carla H. van Gils, Kenneth G.A. Gilhuijs
Radiology, 2023, vol. 308

External positions

Director, Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding)