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van der Vaart

Full Professor


Prof Huub van der Vaart is member of staff at the UMCU since 1996. He finished his thesis on “pelvic floor dysfunction quality of life in women” in 2001, and is professor in urogynaecology since February 2012. This work was the foundation for the national pelvic floor questionnaire as one of the first examples of measuring patient-related outcome and quality of life. He is an active member of the Dutch working party on pelvic floor of which he was chairman between 2004-2010. During this period the urogynaecology was acknowledged as subspecialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is actively involved in the development of national guidelines on incontinence. He was trained at the Harvard Business school in the program “managing health care delivery”. Alongside his research activities, which have been patient outcome centered, his interest focusses on new ways to deliver health care to women. From this perspective (creating value) he started a specialized outpatient urogynaecology clinic based on a new business model (ZBC) in 2002. At this stage the research focus is expending form patient-centered studies to basic science and translational medicine. There is a collaboration with several international (Cleveland, Leuven, München. Mississippi) and national (AMC, Radboud) partners.

Recent publications

The relation between usage of an eHealth intervention for stress urinary incontinence and treatment outcomes Lotte Firet, Theodora Alberta Maria Teunissen, Rudolf Bertijn Kool, Reinier Peter Akkermans, Antoinette Leonarda Maria Lagro-Janssen, Huub van der Vaart, Willem Jan Jozef Assendelft
BMC Primary Care, 2024, vol. 25
Supporting the Choice for Conservative and Surgical Treatment in Female Stress Urinary Incontinence Maria B.E. Gerritse, Marieke de Vries, Regina The, John P.F.A. Heesakkers, Antoine L.M. Lagro-Janssen, C. Huub van der Vaart, Kirsten B. Kluivers
Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2024, vol. 43, p.2052-2059
Cost-effectiveness of pessary therapy versus surgery for symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse Ângela J. Ben, Lisa R. van der Vaart, Judith E. Bosmans, Jan Paul W.R. Roovers, Antoinette L.M. Lagro-Janssen, Carl H. van der Vaart, Astrid Vollebregt,
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14
Discontinuation of pessary therapy within 24 months L. M. Elting, L. R. van der Vaart, C. H. van der Vaart, A. Vollebregt
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 2024, vol. 310, p.3279-3288
Effects of mesenchymal stem cells and heparan sulfate mimetics on urethral function and vaginal wall biomechanics in a simulated rat childbirth injury model Kristine Janssen, Geertruida W. van Ruiten, Niels Eijkelkamp, Margot S. Damaser, Carl H. van der Vaart
International Urogynecology Journal, 2023, vol. 34, p.1635-1644
3D ultrasound strain imaging of puborectal muscle with and without unilateral avulsion Shreya Das, Gijs A G M Hendriks, Frieda van den Noort, Claudia Manzini, C H van der Vaart, Chris L de Korte
International Urogynecology Journal, 2023, vol. 34, p.2225-2233

Fellowships & Awards

ZonMw doelmatigheidsonderzoek grant (2x)

ZonMw multidisciplinary guideline urinary incontinence in women

External positions

scientific committe & guideline committee - ja - International Uro Gynecological Association (IUGA)

Consultant - ja - BSI Group the Netherlands

Onderwijs Urogynaecologie geven - ja - St. Antonius Academie

Adviseur - ja - Patiëntenvereniging BB4all Gynaecologie Nederland

Member of the education and scientific committee - ja - European Uro Gynaecological Association (EUGA)