Profile photo Gerlof Valk

Gerlof Valk

Full Professor

Strategic program(s):


Endocrinology and endocrine oncology are the main focus of the clinical activities of Gerlof Valk. (Neuro-) endocrine tumors diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, care for patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) and the standardization and continuous improvement of the national care for patients with MEN are his specific areas of expertise. Epidemiologic and translational research within the field of MEN related (pancreatic) neuroendocrine tumors is his main research focus including innovative treatment strategies and personalized cancer care.



2014 – today 

Internist-endocrinologist, professor of endocrinology with emphasis on endocrine tumors, head of section endocrinology, program director endocrinology residency


2007 – 2014  

Internist-endocrinologist, vice program director internal medicine residency


1997 – 2001  

Senior researcher, Institute for Extramural Medical Research (EMGO Institute), Free University Medical Centre



2007 Certification National Board of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology

2002 MSc Clinical Epidemiology

1997 PhD Thesis: ‘The diagnosing of diabetic polyneuropathy in daily clinical practice’. Free University Medical Centre, Amsterdam

1994 Certification National Board of General Practitioners

1990 MD (cum laude)


Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Endocrine oncology research group

Research aim

To improve diagnostics, treatment and outcome for children and adults with Rare Endocrine Tumors by interdisciplinary and international collaborative research.

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Recent publications

Blood-based proteomic signatures associated with MEN1-related Duodenopancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Progression Johannes F Fahrmann, Amanda R Wasylishen, Carolina R C Pieterman, Ehsan Irajizad, Jody Vykoukal, Ranran Wu, Jennifer B Dennison, Christine B Peterson, Hua Zhao, Kim-Anh Do, Daniel M Halperin, Sunita K Agarwal, Jenny E Blau, Smita Jha, Jaydira Del Rivero, Naris Nilubol, Mary F Walter, James M Welch, Lee S Weinstein, Menno R Vriens, Rachel S van Leeuwaarde, Mark J C van Treijen, Gerlof D Valk, Nancy D Perrier, Samir M Hanash, Hiroyuki Katayama
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2023, vol. 108, p.3260-3271
Diagnostic Utility of Menin Immunohistochemistry in Patients With Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Syndrome Anna Vera D Verschuur, Aranxa S M Kok, Folkert H M Morsink, Wendy W J de Leng, Medard F M van den Broek, Marco J Koudijs, Johan A Offerhaus, Gerlof D Valk, Menno R Vriens, Bernadette P M van Nesselrooij, Wenzel M Hackeng, Lodewijk A A Brosens
American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2023, vol. 47, p.785-791
Druggable growth dependencies and tumor evolution analysis in patient-derived organoids of neuroendocrine neoplasms from multiple body sites Talya L Dayton, Nicolas Alcala, Laura Moonen, Lisanne den Hartigh, Veerle Geurts, Lise Mangiante, Lisa Lap, Antonella F M Dost, Joep Beumer, Sonja Levy, Rachel S van Leeuwaarde, Wenzel M Hackeng, Kris Samsom, Catherine Voegele, Alexandra Sexton-Oates, Harry Begthel, Jeroen Korving, Lisa Hillen, Lodewijk A A Brosens, Sylvie Lantuejoul, Sridevi Jaksani, Niels F M Kok, Koen J Hartemink, Houke M Klomp, Inne H M Borel Rinkes, Anne-Marie Dingemans, Gerlof D Valk, Menno R Vriens, Wieneke Buikhuisen, José van den Berg, Margot Tesselaar, Jules Derks, Ernst Jan Speel, Matthieu Foll, Lynnette Fernández-Cuesta, Hans Clevers
Cancer Cell, 2023, vol. 41, p.2083-2099.e9
Precision radiotherapy using MR-linac for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in MEN1 patients (PRIME) Eline N M van Vliembergen, Hidde Eijkelenkamp, Gerlof D Valk, Menno R Vriens, Gert J Meijer, Martijn P W Intven, Joanne M de Laat
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023, vol. 14
Status of Surveillance and Nonsurgical Therapy for Small Nonfunctioning Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Dirk-Jan van Beek, Anna Vera D Verschuur, Lodewijk A A Brosens, Gerlof D Valk, Carolina R C Pieterman, Menno R Vriens
Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, 2023, vol. 32, p.343-371
Lived experiences of undergoing regular tumor screening in patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 and 2 (MEN1/MEN2) Mirthe Jasmijn Klein Haneveld, Gerlof Dirk Valk, Rachel Sara van Leeuwaarde
Journal of Genetic Counseling, 2023, vol. 33, p.402-412

External positions

Lead ENETS MEN1 taskforce - Voorzitter van taskforce van leden vanuit ENETS Centers of Excellence - ENETS

Nationaal coordinator Rare Endocrine Conditions, ENDO ERN - Coordineren van samenwerking tussen Expertise Centra Zeldzame Aandoeningen - ENDO ERN