Full Professor
Strategic program(s):
Saskia Teunissen, is appointed as professor in palliative care and hospice care since 2014. She is an oncologynurse and health care scientist and an expert in palliative care for over 30 years.
The scope of her work has a patient-family oriented profile and an interdisciplinary transmural approach. Her research, innovation and education focuses on symptommanagement and interdisciplinary collaboration and communication in palliative care at home, in hospices, in nursing homes and hospitals.
Besides, the hybride approach of hospice care as a specific concept in palliative care and homecare for patients in the terminal phase of life is a specific topic in her work.
She is responsible for the UMC Utrecht Center of Expertise of Palliative Care and the collaboration of regional partners in palliative care, the consortium Septet.
She is the independent chair of the national steering committee for palliative care to close the loop between research, education, patient care and national collaboration in palliative care.
Research aim
Our mission is to drive impactful innovation for cancer prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and care through interdisciplinary research, fostering collaboration among researchers across disciplines within the Julius Center and beyond.
Go to group2022: Royal Award (Officer) on the order of Orange Nassau
2007: Boerhave ‘Serviendo Consumor’ oeuvre award (UMC Utrecht
1999: Orion personal development award (V&VN), leadership program
1989: Ventafridda palliative care visiting award (EAPC chapter Milano)
Onafhankelijk voorzitter Stuurgroep Nationaal Programma Palliatieve Zorg - verbinden en regisseren van samenwerking aan stuurgroeptafel om doelen NPPZ te realiseren - Stichting Palliatieve Zorg Nederland
Begeleidingscommissie bijzonder hoogleraar social empowerment in Palliatieve Zorg - Vanuit mijn functie als hoogleraar palliatieve zorg ben ik onderdeel van deze begeleidingscommissie - Radboud universitair medisch centrum
Begeleidingscommissie bijzonder hoogleraar social empowerment in Palliatieve Zorg - Vanuit mijn functie als hoogleraar palliatieve zorg ben ik onderdeel van deze begeleidingscommissie - Radboud universitair medisch centrum