Profile photo Teuni ten Brink

Teuni ten Brink

Assistant Professor

Research groups

Rehabilitation science

Research aim

We focus on autonomy and daily functioning of people with disabilities and their families. Together with experts by experience, we aim to contribute to knowledge that leads to better rehabilitation through research, innovation and implementation.

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Recent publications

Corrigendum to “No short-term treatment effect of prism adaptation for spatial neglect Orsolya Székely, Antonia F. Ten Brink, Alexandra G. Mitchell, Janet H. Bultitude, Robert D. McIntosh
Neuropsychologia, 2024, vol. 198
Investigating Object Affordance in People with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Antonia F. Ten Brink, María F. España, Valentina Navarro, Hendrik Chris Dijkerman, Janet H. Bultitude
Journal of Pain, 2024, vol. 25
Pupil dilation reveals the intensity of touch Antonia F. Ten Brink, Iris Heiner, H. Chris Dijkerman, Christoph Strauch
Psychophysiology, 2024, vol. 61
Zooming in on abnormal local and global processing biases after stroke Antonia F. Ten Brink, Janet H. Bultitude, Stefan Van Der Stigchel, Tanja C.W. Nijboer
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2024, vol. 30, p.67-76
Gaze data of 4243 participants shows link between leftward and superior attention biases and age Christoph Strauch, Alex J. Hoogerbrugge, Antonia F. Ten Brink
Experimental Brain Research, 2024, vol. 242, p.1327-1337