Profile photo Stefan Preković

Stefan Preković

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Born and raised in a quaint Serbian town, I earned my BSc/MSc degrees from the University of Belgrade before relocating to Belgium. There, I joined Frank Claessens' lab, exploring the androgen receptor's role in diverse diseases. Later, as a postdoctoral researcher at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, I worked with Wilbert Zwart on investigating transcription factor action in various cancer types using omics, screening, and computational methodologies.

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Chromatin-related factors and cellular plasticity

Research aim

The group focuses on chromatin-related factors and their effects on cellular phenotypes, employing a range of state-of-the-art omics techniques. Our objective is to uncover targetable pathways that can effectively eliminate cancer cells.

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Recent publications

Differential transcriptional invasion signatures from patient derived organoid models define a functional prognostic tool for head and neck cancer Peter D Haughton, Wisse Haakma, Theofilos Chalkiadakis, Gerben E Breimer, Else Driehuis, Hans Clevers, Stefan Willems, Stefan Prekovic, Patrick W B Derksen
Oncogene, 2024, vol. 43, p.2463-2474
Unraveling the molecular interactions between α7 nicotinic receptor and a RIC3 variant associated with backward speech Aditi Pradhan, Hayley Mounford, Jessica Peixinho, Edward Rea, Emmanouela Epeslidou, Julia S Scott, Joanna Cull, Susan Maxwell, Richard Webster, David Beeson, Yin Yao Dong, Stefan Prekovic, Isabel Bermudez, Dianne F Newbury
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2024, vol. 81, p.1-13
The 2023 generation Joanna Achinger-Kawecka, Santiago Correa, Jing Hu, Gaopeng Li, Rik G H Lindeboom, Sandra Misale, Teresa Monkkonen, Ajit J Nirmal, Stefan Prekovic, Sanju Sinha, Anna S Trigos, Caroline J Watson
Nature Cancer, 2023, vol. 4, p.1630-1635
The Tumor Coagulome as a Transcriptional Target and a Potential Effector of Glucocorticoids in Human Cancers Floriane Racine, Christophe Louandre, Corinne Godin, Baptiste Chatelain, Stefan Prekovic, Wilbert Zwart, Antoine Galmiche, Zuzana Saidak
Cancers, 2023, vol. 15
Mammalian life depends on two distinct pathways of DNA damage tolerance Olimpia Alessandra Buoninfante, Bas Pilzecker, Aldo Spanjaard, Daniël de Groot, Stefan Prekovic, Ji-Ying Song, Cor Lieftink, Matilda Ayidah, Colin E J Pritchard, Judith Vivié, Kathleen E Mcgrath, Ivo J Huijbers, Sjaak Philipsen, Marieke von Lindern, Wilbert Zwart, Roderick L Beijersbergen, James Palis, Paul C M van den Berk, Heinz Jacobs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023, vol. 120
Enhancer profiling identifies epigenetic markers of endocrine resistance and reveals therapeutic options for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients Tesa M Severson, Yanyun Zhu, Stefan Prekovic, Karianne Schuurman, Holly M Nguyen, Lisha G Brown, Sini Hakkola, Yongsoo Kim, Jeroen Kneppers, Simon Linder, Suzan Stelloo, Cor Lieftink, Michiel van der Heijden, Matti Nykter, Vincent van der Noort, Joyce Sanders, Ben Morris, Guido Jenster, Geert Jlh van Leenders, Mark Pomerantz, Matthew L Freedman, Roderick L Beijersbergen, Alfonso Urbanucci, Lodewyk Wessels, Eva Corey, Wilbert Zwart, Andries M Bergman

Fellowships & Awards

2024: NVE-Ipsen Prize for Best Fundamental Research Article

2023: Norway Consortium Grant awarded to Alfonso Urbanucci and others including Stefan Prekovic

2023: SPC Cancer, Boost Grant

2022: Bas Mulder Award, Young Investigator Grant

2022: KWF Grant awarded to Wilbert Zwart and Stefan Prekovic

2022: Chiesi Young Investigator Award (highly commended)

2022: NVE-Ipsen Prize for Best Fundamental Research Article

2019: KWF Grant awarded to Wilbert Zwart and Stefan Prekovic

2016: Travel Grant, Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO), Belgium

2015: Travel Bursary BACR Gordon Research Conference "Hormone-Dependent Cancers"

2014: Award for extraordinary achievement in science, Town of Arandjelovac, Serbia

2013: KU Leuven (Belgium), full-time PhD scholarship (150k euro, four years)

2012: Best oral presentation, Symposium of Biology Students in Europe, Szeged, Hungary

2012: Award for extraordinary achievement in science, Town of Arandjelovac, Serbia

2011: Best poster presentation, Urbino Microscopy Conference (MC2011), Urbino, Italy