Profile photo Simone Punt

Simone Punt

Assistant Professor

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Recent publications

Angels and demons Simone Punt, Gert Jan Fleuren, Eva Kritikou, Erik Lubberts, J Baptist Trimbos, Ekaterina S Jordanova, Arko Gorter
OncoImmunology, 2015, vol. 4
Correlations between immune response and vascularization qRT-PCR gene expression clusters in squamous cervical cancer Simone Punt, Jeanine J Houwing-Duistermaat, Iris A Schulkens, Victor L Thijssen, Elisabeth M Osse, Cornelis D de Kroon, Arjan W Griffioen, Gert Jan Fleuren, Arko Gorter, Ekaterina S Jordanova
Molecular Cancer, 2015, vol. 14
FoxP3(+) and IL-17(+) cells are correlated with improved prognosis in cervical adenocarcinoma Simone Punt, Marjolein E van Vliet, Vivian M Spaans, Cornelis D de Kroon, Gert Jan Fleuren, Arko Gorter, Ekaterina S Jordanova
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2015, vol. 64, p.745-53
Role of IL-12p40 in cervical carcinoma H. J.M.A.A. Zijlmans, S. Punt, G. J. Fleuren, J. B. Trimbos, G. G. Kenter, A. Gorter
British Journal of Cancer, 2012, vol. 107, p.1956-1962
The human collagen beta(1-O)galactosyltransferase, GLT25D1, is a soluble endoplasmic reticulum localized protein Jolanda Mp Liefhebber, Simone Punt, Willy Jm Spaan, Hans C van Leeuwen
BMC Cell Biology [E], 2010, vol. 11