Profile photo Sigrid Vervoort

Sigrid Vervoort

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


Sigrid Vervoort is currently appointed as assistant professor at the Julius Center, UMC Utrecht and is the program coordinator of the Master Program of Nursing Science at Clinical Health Sciences at the University of Utrecht.

She was trained as a nurse, obtained her master’s degree in health sciences (Nursing Science) at Maastricht University in 1995 and her Master of Advanced Nursing Practice at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (2013).

She worked as a clinical nurse specialist/nurse practitioner and (post-doc) researcher in HIV care (1998-2016) and as a manager and post-doc researcher at the division of oncology, UMC Utrecht (2016-2022). She continued her scientific career as assistant professor at the Nursing Science department at the Julius Center since May 2022.

Her research program is focusing improving cancer care, optimizing care pathways for cancer patients including in the transition from hospital to home and vice versa and on developing nursing care and interventions that are both effective and efficient while meeting the patient’s needs.

Strategic program(s):


Research groups

Nursing Science

Research aim

Our mission is to innovate and improve nursing care. Our solutions help patients optimize their health, independence and well-being across care settings.

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Recent publications

Attention to the Values, Wishes and Needs of Patients With Advanced Cancer by Hospital Clinicians, an Exploratory Qualitative Study Sita de Vries, Laury Pijnappel, Sigrid Vervoort, Yvette van der Linden, Saskia Teunissen, Everlien de Graaf
American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2024, vol. 42, p.300-308
Belemmerende en bevorderende factoren die zorgverleners ervaren in het spreken met patiënten over hun persoonlijke waarden, wensen en behoeften, een systematisch literatuuronderzoek. Sita de Vries, Mary-Joanne Verhoef, Sigrid Vervoort, Yvette M. Van Der Linden, Saskia Teunissen, Everlien de Graaf
2023, p.70