Profile photo Sander Kooijmans

Sander Kooijmans

Assistant Professor

Strategic program(s):


I am fascinated by the challenges surrounding efficient, cell-specific delivery of therapeutic biomolecules (mostly RNA). I explore innovative ways to engineer naturally occurring extracellular vesicles (EVs) and synthetic lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to overcome these challenges. I have extensive experience on the isolation and biochemical characterization of EVs and hold a PhD on EV engineering, obtained in the lab of prof. Raymond Schiffelers in the CDL Nanomedicine group (UMCU). During my postdoc I have extended this expertise to LNPs for immunotherapy and in vivo nanoparticle characterization. I currently work as an assistant professor in the Metabolic Diseases Research group (Pediatrics division) in the UMC Utrecht, which is led by prof. Sabine Fuchs and embedded in the Regenerative Medicine Center. As part of the UMCU Gene therapy strategic programme, I aim to use my expertise to accelerate development of RNA delivery systems for various applications in the UMCU, while actively supporting research on gene editing strategies for metabolic diseases in the Fuchs group.

Recent publications

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023) Joshua A. Welsh, Deborah C.I. Goberdhan, Lorraine O’Driscoll, Edit I. Buzas, Cherie Blenkiron, Benedetta Bussolati, Houjian Cai, Dolores Di Vizio, Tom A.P. Driedonks, Uta Erdbrügger, Juan M. Falcon-Perez, Qing Ling Fu, Andrew F. Hill, Metka Lenassi, Sai Kiang Lim, G. Mahoney M˜y, Sujata Mohanty, Andreas Möller, Rienk Nieuwland, Takahiro Ochiya, Susmita Sahoo, Ana C. Torrecilhas, Lei Zheng, Andries Zijlstra, Sarah Abuelreich, Reem Bagabas, Paolo Bergese, Esther M. Bridges, Marco Brucale, Dylan Burger, Randy P. Carney, Emanuele Cocucci, Rossella Crescitelli, Edveena Hanser, Adrian L. Harris, Norman J. Haughey, An Hendrix, Alexander R. Ivanov, Tijana Jovanovic-Talisman, Nicole A. Kruh-Garcia, Bas W.M. van Balkom, Federica Collino, Olivier G. de Jong, Sander A.A. Kooijmans, Magdalena J. Lorenowicz, Kenny Man, Marieke T. Roefs, Raymond M. Schiffelers, Joost P.G. Sluijter, Pieter Vader,
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, 2024, vol. 13
In-vitro and in-silico evidence for oxidative stress as drivers for RDW Huibert Jan Joosse, Brigitte A. van Oirschot, Sander A.A. Kooijmans, Imo E. Hoefer, Richard A.H. van Wijk, Albert Huisman, Wouter W. van Solinge, Saskia Haitjema
Scientific Reports, 2023, vol. 13
EV-Elute: a universal platform for enrichment of functional surface marker-defined extracellular vesicle subpopulations Willemijn de Voogt, Rowan Frunt, Raul Leandro, Casper Triesscheijn, Bella Monica, Ioanna Paspali, Mark Tielemans, Jerney J. J. M. Gitz-Francois, CW Seinen, Olivier de Jong, Sander Kooijmans
Increased Bone Marrow Uptake and Accumulation of Very-Late Antigen-4 Targeted Lipid Nanoparticles Laura E Swart, Marcel H A M Fens, Anita van Oort, Piotr Waranecki, L Daniel Mata Casimiro, David Tuk, Martijn Hendriksen, Luca van den Brink, Elizabeth Schweighart, Cor Seinen, Ryan Nelson, Anja Krippner-Heidenreich, Tom O'Toole, Raymond M Schiffelers, Sander Kooijmans, Olaf Heidenreich
Pharmaceutics, 2023, vol. 15, p.1-16
mRNA-LNP vaccines tuned for systemic immunization induce strong antitumor immunity by engaging splenic immune cells Sanne Bevers, Sander A A Kooijmans, Elien Van de Velde, Martijn J W Evers, Sofie Seghers, Jerney J J M Gitz-Francois, Nicky C H van Kronenburg, Marcel H A M Fens, Enrico Mastrobattista, Lucie Hassler, Helena Sork, Taavi Lehto, Kariem E Ahmed, Samir El Andaloussi, Katja Fiedler, Karine Breckpot, Michael Maes, Diane Van Hoorick, Thierry Bastogne, Raymond M Schiffelers, Stefaan De Koker
Molecular Therapy, 2022, vol. 30, p.3078-3094
Delivery of modified mRNA to damaged myocardium by systemic administration of lipid nanoparticles Martijn J W Evers, Wenjuan Du, Qiangbing Yang, Sander A A Kooijmans, Arjan Vink, Mies van Steenbergen, Pieter Vader, Saskia C A de Jager, Sabine A Fuchs, Enrico Mastrobattista, Joost P G Sluijter, Zhiyong Lei, Raymond Schiffelers
Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society, 2022, vol. 343, p.207-216

Fellowships & Awards

2022: Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher

External positions

Reviewer grant applications - Reviewen van grant applications, soms tegen vergoeding - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)