Profile photo Saeed Arbabi

Saeed Arbabi

PHD Candidate - OIO

Strategic program(s):

Recent publications

MRI-based synthetic CT in the detection of knee osteoarthritis Saeed Arbabi, Wouter Foppen, Willem Paul Gielis, Marijn van Stralen, Mylène Jansen, Vahid Arbabi, Pim A de Jong, Harrie Weinans, Peter Seevinck
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2023, vol. 41, p.2530-2539
Statistical shape model of the talus bone morphology: A comparison between impinged and nonimpinged ankles Saeed Arbabi, Harrie Weinans, Wouter Foppen, Peter Seevinck, Pim de Jong, Joran Sturkenboom, Robbert van Hamersvelt, Wouter Foppen, Vahid Arbabi
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2023, vol. 41, p.183-195
TOFA-PREDICT study protocol Nienke J. Kleinrensink, Frank T. Perton, Juliëtte N. Pouw, Nanette L.A. Vincken, Sarita A.Y. Hartgring, Mylène P. Jansen, Saeed Arbabi, Wouter Foppen, Pim A. de Jong, Janneke Tekstra, Emmerik F.A. Leijten, Julia Spierings, Floris P.J.G. Lafeber, Paco M.J. Welsing, Marloes W. Heijstek,
BMJ Open, 2022, vol. 12, p.1-11
Unravelling the knee-hip-spine trilemma from the CHECK study THE RELATION BETWEEN SAGITTAL PELVIC MORPHOLOGY AND ONSET OF DEGENERATIVE KNEE, HIP, AND SPINE DISORDERS J. H.J. Van Erp, W. P. Gielis, V. Arbabi, A. De Gast, H. Weinans, S. Arbabi, F. C. Öner, R. M. Castelein, T. P.C. Schlösser
Bone and Joint Journal, 2020, vol. 102, p.1261-1267
Bone texture analysis for prediction of incident radiographic hip osteoarthritis using machine learning J. Hirvasniemi, W. P. Gielis, S. Arbabi, R. Agricola, W. E. van Spil, V. Arbabi, H. Weinans
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 2019, vol. 27, p.906-914