Profile photo Ganna Rozhnova

Ganna Rozhnova

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Dr. Ganna Rozhnova is an Associate Professor in Infectious Disease Modeling at the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands and the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon in Portugal. She is a group leader at the BioISI—Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute in Lisbon. Her research focuses on applying infectious disease modeling to address questions and support evidence-based policymaking in public health. Her mission as a researcher is to contribute to improving people’s health by providing guidance to stakeholders on the implementation of public health measures. She concentrates on highly relevant emerging and established infectious diseases that require massive control efforts and have a large societal impact. Dr. Rozhnova is interested in understanding the emergence, evolution, and spatio-temporal dynamics of infectious diseases on various scales (e.g., host, hospital/school, or population) and evaluating the impact of interventions on disease transmission. Her most recent research aims to explore the prospects of HIV elimination, promising HIV cure strategies, and the (post-)pandemic dynamics of SARS-CoV-2. Other applications include influenza, CMV, and childhood infections. 

Dr Rozhnova is a recipient of highly competitive awards (PhD and postdoctoral fellowships from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Award "Stimulus for Research" from Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), institutional excellence programs (Research Career Development Program) and grants (list below). She held official appointments as an invited visiting scientist at the University of California (Santa Barbara, USA), the Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge, UK), the Gladstone Institute of Immunology and Virology (San Francisco, USA), and the MRC Biostatistics Unit (Cambridge, UK). The main funders of her current research are Aidsfonds, FCT, NWO, ZonMw and European Commission. 

Selected recent scientific publications:

  • Boldea O, Alipoor A, Pei S, Shaman J, Rozhnova G. Age-specific transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 during the first 2 years of the pandemic. PNAS Nexus 3(2), pgae024 (2024). [OA]
  • Rouzine IM, Rozhnova G. Evolutionary implications of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination for the future design of vaccination strategies. Communications Medicine 3(1), 86 (2023). [OA]
  • Romijnders K, de Groot L, Vervoort S, Basten M, van Welzen B, Kretzschmar M, Reiss P, Davidovich U, Rozhnova G. The perceived impact of an HIV cure by people living with HIV and key populations vulnerable to HIV in the Netherlands: A qualitative study. Journal of Virus Eradication 8(1), 100066 (2022). [OA]
  • Viana J, van Dorp CH, Nunes A, Gomes MC, van Boven M, Kretzschmar ME, Veldhoen M, Rozhnova G. Controlling the pandemic during the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination rollout. Nature Communications 12, 3674 (2021). [OA]
  • Rozhnova G, van Dorp CH, Bruijning-Verhagen P, Bootsma MCJ, van de Wijgert JHHM, Bonten MJM, Kretzschmar ME. Model-based evaluation of school- and non-school-related measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Communications 12, 1614 (2021). [OA]
  • Teslya A, Pham TM, Godijk NG, Kretzschmar ME, Bootsma MCJ, Rozhnova G. Impact of self-imposed prevention measures and short-term government-imposed social distancing on mitigating and delaying a COVID-19 epidemic: A modelling study. PLoS Medicine 17(7), e1003166 (2020). [OA]
  • Rouzine IM, Rozhnova G. Antigenic evolution of viruses in host populations. PLoS Pathogens 14(9), e1007291 (2018). [OA]

Research groups

Infectious disease modelling Utrecht

Research aim

Our mission is to use state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical modelling techniques to gain insight into the dynamics of infectious diseases in populations and to improve public health interventions for disease control.

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Recent publications

Estimation of introduction and transmission rates of SARS-CoV-2 in a prospective household study Michiel van Boven, Christiaan H van Dorp, Ilse Westerhof, Vincent Jaddoe, Valerie Heuvelman, Liesbeth Duijts, Elandri Fourie, Judith Sluiter-Post, Marlies A van Houten, Paul Badoux, Sjoerd Euser, Bjorn Herpers, Dirk Eggink, Marieke de Hoog, Trisja Boom, Joanne Wildenbeest, Louis Bont, Ganna Rozhnova, Marc J Bonten, Mirjam E Kretzschmar, Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen
PLoS Computational Biology, 2024, vol. 20
Age-specific transmission dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 during the first 2 years of the pandemic Otilia Boldea, Amir Alipoor, Sen Pei, Jeffrey Shaman, Ganna Rozhnova
PNAS nexus, 2024, vol. 3
Estimation of introduction and transmission rates of SARS-CoV-2 in a prospective household study Michiel van Boven, Christiaan H van Dorp, Ilse Westerhof, Vincent Jaddoe, Valerie Heuvelman, Liesbeth Duijts, Elandri Fourie, Judith Sluiter-Post, Marlies A van Houten, Paul Badoux, Sjoerd Euser, Bjorn Herpers, Dirk Eggink, Marieke de Hoog, Trisja Boom, Joanne Wildenbeest, Louis Bont, Ganna Rozhnova, Marc J Bonten, Mirjam E Kretzschmar, Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen
The impact of variant and vaccination on SARS-CoV-2 symptomatology; three prospective household cohorts Ilse Westerhof, Marieke de Hoog, Margareta Ieven, Christine Lammens, Janko van Beek, Ganna Rozhnova, Dirk Eggink, Sjoerd Euser, Joanne Wildenbeest, Liesbeth Duijts, Marlies van Houten, Herman Goossens, Carlo Giaquinto, Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2023, vol. 128, p.140-147
Evolutionary implications of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination for the future design of vaccination strategies Igor M Rouzine, Ganna Rozhnova
Communications medicine, 2023, vol. 3
The experienced positive and negative influence of HIV on quality of life of people with HIV and vulnerable to HIV in the Netherlands Kim A.G.J. Romijnders, Laura de Groot, Sigrid C.J.M. Vervoort, Maartje Basten, Berend J. van Welzen, Mirjam E. Kretzschmar, Peter Reiss, Udi Davidovich, Maarten F.Schim van der Loeff, Ganna Rozhnova
Scientific Reports, 2022, vol. 12

External positions

Editorial Board Member, Communications Medicine (Nature Portfolio journal)

Researcher, BioISI—Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute