Maarten Rookmaaker

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):


Maarten B. Rookmaaker (MD, PhD) is Nephrologist at the University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht, the Netherlands, with special interest in genetic and developmental disorders. He did his residency training in Internal Medicine and his renal fellowship training at the Utrecht University, the Netherlands. His PhD training about endothelial progenitor cells in renal regeneration was done in both Utrecht as well as Kurume, Japan. He is Director of the Nephrology Fellowship program and member of the guideline committee of the National Federation of Nephrology. His research focus includes renal stem cells and regeneration.

Recent publications

GeNepher data- and biobank for patients with (suspected) genetic kidney disease: Rationale, design and status update Laura R. Claus, Iris Lekkerkerker, Bert van der Zwaag, Tri Q. Nguyen, Nine V.A.M. Knoers, Martin H. de Borst, Maarten B. Rookmaker, Marc R. Lilien, Albertien M. van Eerde
Rare, 2024, vol. 2
Differentiated mouse kidney tubuloids as a novel in vitro model to study collecting duct physiology C. J.A. Olde Hanhof, E. Dilmen, F. A. Yousef Yengej, F. Latta, C. M.E. Ammerlaan, J. Schreurs, L. Hooijmaijers, J. Jansen, M. B. Rookmaaker, I. Orhon, M. C. Verhaar, J. G. Hoenderop
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2023, vol. 11
Tubuloid culture enables long-term expansion of functional human kidney tubule epithelium from iPSC-derived organoids Fjodor A. Yousef Yengej, Jitske Jansen, Carola M.E. Ammerlaan, Emre Dilmen, Carla Pou Casellas, Rosalinde Masereeuw, Joost G. Hoenderop, Bart Smeets, Maarten B. Rookmaaker, Marianne C. Verhaar, Hans Clevers
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2023, vol. 120
Optimizing carboplatin dosing by an improved prediction of carboplatin clearance using a CT-enhanced estimate of renal function L Molenaar-Kuijsten, T T Pieters, W B Veldhuis, P Moeskops, E J Rijkhorst, T P C Dorlo, J H Beijnen, N Steeghs, M B Rookmaaker, A D R Huitema
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2023, vol. 89, p.3016-3025
Transcriptomic profile comparison reveals conservation of ionocytes across multiple organs Carla Pou Casellas, Cayetano Pleguezuelos-Manzano, Maarten B. Rookmaaker, Marianne C. Verhaar, Hans Clevers
Scientific Reports, 2023, vol. 13
Certain heterozygous variants in the kinase domain of the serine/threonine kinase NEK8 can cause an autosomal dominant form of polycystic kidney disease Laura R Claus, Chuan Chen, Jennifer Stallworth, Joshua L Turner, Gisela Slaats, Alexandra L Hawks, Holly Mabillard, Sarah R Senum, Sujata Srikanth, Heather Flanagan-Steet, Raymond J Louie, Josh Silver, Jordan Lerner-Ellis, Chantal Morel, Chloe Mighton, Frank Sleutels, Marjon van Slegtenhorst, Tjakko van Ham, Alice S Brooks, Eiske M Dorresteijn, Tahsin Stefan Barakat, Karin Dahan, Nathalie Demoulin, Eric Jean Goffin, Eric Olinger, Martin Larsen, Jens Michael Hertz, Marc R Lilien, Lena Obeidová, Tomas Seeman, Hillarey K Stone, Larissa Kerecuk, Mihai Gurgu, Fjodor A Yousef Yengej, Carola Me Ammerlaan, Maarten B Rookmaaker, Christian Hanna, R Curtis Rogers, Karen Duran, Edith Peters, John A Sayer, Gijs van Haaften, Peter C Harris, Kun Ling, Jennifer M Mason, Albertien M van Eerde, Richard Steet,
Kidney International, 2023, vol. 104, p.995-1007