Full Professor
Roger Damoiseaux started his medical career in Africa. He worked for 4 years as a medical officer in a mission hospital in Malawi (Central Africa). Since 1995 he works as a general practitioner. In 2000 he finished his PhD thesis ‘acute otitis media in infancy in general practice, a therapeutic and prognostic study’. In 2011 he became a teacher at the specialty training in general practice at the University Medical Center in Utrecht. In 2013 he was appointed as head of the GP specialty training in Utrecht. In 2014 he was appointed as professor of General Practice at the University Medical Center in Utrecht.
His research focuses on the treatment of otitis media and upper respiratory tract infections in children. Further there is an ongoing search for prognostic factors for these medical problems. He also is involved in research on medical education.
He is co-author of professional guidelines and Cochrane reviews on otitis media and colorectal blood loss. He is member of the editorial board of the Cochrane group ‘acute respiratory infections’. From 2003 until 2007 he was member of the editorial board of ‘Huisarts en Wetenschap’ and from 2012 until 2020 he was member of the editorial board of 'het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde'. From 2007 until 2011 he was member of the Commission Pharmaceutical Help (CFH) of the Health Care Insurance Board (CVZ). From 2014 to 2016 he was a member of the Registration Board of Medical Specialists (RGS). From 2016 to 2024 he was a member of the Legislative Board of Medical Specialists (CGS).
Research aim
To optimise prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and management of common infections in general practice.
Go to groupResearch aim
The aim is, primarily through research, to improve and support the learning of Primary Care professionals, within and outside of the UMCU, through innovative learning approaches at the workplace, in networks and communities.
Go to groupraad van toezicht Leidsche Rijn Julius Gezondheidscentra - huisarts - LRJG
Voorzitter Concilium huisartsopleiding - hoofd huisartsopleiding - Huisartsopleiding Nederland
Vicevoorzitter Raad van Eigenaren - hoofd huisartsopleiding - Huisartsopleiding Nederland
Bestuurlijke adviescommissie Opleiden 2025 - hoofd huisartsopleiding - Federatie Medisch Specialisten
werkgroep opleidingsstructuur Opleiden 2025 - Onderwijstaken huisartsopleiding Utrecht - FMS
Member of the Legislative Board of Medical Specialists (CGS) - Aansturen huisartsopleiding - KNMG
ZonMw beoordelingscommissie HGOG (programma huisartsgeneeskunde ouderen geneeskunde) - Onderzoek - ZonMw
Member of the editorial board of the Cochrane group ‘acute respiratory infections’ - Onderzoek - UMCU Cochrane Collaboration
Huisarts (maat) - hoofd huisartsopleiding Utrecht - huisartsenpraktijk Hof van Blom