Judith Roesink

Assistant Professor - medical

Strategic program(s):

Strategic program(s):


Recent publications

Treatment-specific risk of subsequent malignant neoplasms in five-year survivors of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Y M Geurts, S I M Neppelenbroek, B M P Aleman, C P M Janus, A D G Krol, D J van Spronsen, W J Plattel, J M Roesink, K M S Verschueren, J M Zijlstra, H R Koene, M R Nijziel, E C Schimmel, E de Jongh, F Ong, L C J Te Boome, R S van Rijn, L H Böhmer, B D P Ta, H P J Visser, E F M Posthuma, Y M Bilgin, K Muller, D van Kampen, C So-Osman, J S P Vermaat, R J de Weijer, M J Kersten, F E van Leeuwen, M Schaapveld
ESMO open, 2024, vol. 9
Adaptive brachytherapy for cervical cancer in combined 1.5 T MR/HDR suite Katelijne M. Van Vliet-van den Ende, Paulien G. Hoogendoorn-Mulder, Rogier I. Schokker, Marinus A. Moerland, Petra S. Kroon, Judith M. Roesink, Raquel Dávila Fajardo, Femke Van der Leij, Ina M. Jürgenliemk-Schulz
Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology, 2024, vol. 31
Risk of male breast cancer after Hodgkin lymphoma Simone de Vries, Inge Krul, Michael Schaapveld, Cecile M P Janus, Saskia E Rademakers, Judith M Roesink, Marten R Nijziel, Yavuz M Bilgin, Berthe M P Aleman, Flora E van Leeuwen
Blood, 2023, vol. 142, p.806-811
In Regard to Dennstädt et al Cornelis P J Raaijmakers, Judith M Roesink, Anette C Houweling, Petra M Braam, Tim Dijkema
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2023, vol. 115, p.1004-1005
Association of Radiation and Procarbazine Dose with Risk of Colorectal Cancer among Survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma Yvonne M. Geurts, Rebecca Shakir, Georgios Ntentas, Sander Roberti, Marianne C. Aznar, Katinka M. John, Johanna Ramroth, Cécile P.M. Janus, Augustinus D.G. Krol, Judith M. Roesink, Richard W.M. Van Der Maazen, Josée M. Zijlstra, Sarah C. Darby, Berthe M.P. Aleman, Flora E. Van Leeuwen, David J. Cutter, Michael Schaapveld
JAMA Oncology, 2023, vol. 9, p.481-489
Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer surveillance in Hodgkin lymphoma survivors treated with procarbazine and/or infradiaphragmatic radiotherapy Berbel Lm Ykema, Andrea Gini, Lisanne S Rigter, Manon Cw Spaander, Leon Mg Moons, Tanya M Bisseling, Jan Paul de Boer, Wieke Hm Verbeek, Pieternella J Lugtenburg, Cecile Pm Janus, Eefke J Petersen, Judith M Roesink, Richard W M van der Maazen, Berthe Mp Aleman, Gerrit A Meijer, Flora E Van Leeuwen, Petur Snaebjornsson, Beatriz Carvalho, Monique E van Leerdam, Iris Lansdorp-Vogelaar
Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 2022, vol. 31, p.2157-2168