Profile photo Roel Vermeulen

Roel Vermeulen

Full Professor

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Roel Vermeulen is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at Utrecht University and the director of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) at Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht. He holds a professor position at the Julius Center, Department Public Health Healthcare Innovation and Medical Humanities (UMC Utrecht) and a Visiting Professorship at Imperial College London, UK.


Research focus: environmental risk assessment

His scientific research focuses on environmental risk factors for non-communicable diseases with a strong emphasis on integrating epidemiology, high quality exposure assessment, and molecular biology into multidisciplinary investigations.


One of his main research areas is the exploration of new methods for quantifying the external and internal exposome. The exposome concept refers to all environmental factors that we humans are exposed to on a daily basis: what we eat, the air we breathe, our social interactions and lifestyle choices such as smoking and exercising. Interacting with the genome, the exposome defines individual health at different stages throughout the life course, including foetal life. Researchers in the field of the exposome are trying to capture everything to understand which, how, in what quantities, and in what circumstances environmental drivers have an effect on our health. 

Research groups

Julius Center Research Program Cancer

Research aim

Our mission is to drive impactful innovation for cancer prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and care through interdisciplinary research, fostering collaboration among researchers across disciplines within the Julius Center and beyond.

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Recent publications

Implementing co-created citizen science in five environmental epidemiological studies in the CitieS-Health project Frederique Froeling, Florence Gignac, Raul Toran, Rodney Ortiz, Antonella Ficorilli, Bruna De Marchi, Annibale Biggeri, David Kocman, Jure Ftičar, Janja Snoj Tratnik, Sandra Andrusaityte, Regina Grazuleviciene, Lucía Errandonea, Roel Vermeulen, Gerard Hoek, Xavier Basagaña
Environmental Research, 2024, vol. 240
Dioxin(-like)-Related Biological Effects through Integrated Chemical-wide and Metabolome-wide Analyses Yujia Zhao, Jeroen Meijer, Douglas I. Walker, Juni Kim, Lützen Portengen, Dean P. Jones, Fatemeh Saberi Hosnijeh, Jelle Vlaanderen, Roel Vermeulen
Environmental Science and Technology, 2024, vol. 58, p.258-268
Respirable crystalline silica and lung cancer in community-based studies Johan Ohlander, Hans Kromhout, Roel Vermeulen, Lützen Portengen, Benjamin Kendzia, Barbara Savary, Domenico Cavallo, Andrea Cattaneo, Enrica Migliori, Lorenzo Richiardi, Nils Plato, Heinz Erich Wichmann, Stefan Karrasch, Dario Consonni, Maria Teresa Landi, Neil E. Caporaso, Jack Siemiatycki, Per Gustavsson, Karl Heinz Jöckel, Wolfgang Ahrens, Hermann Pohlabeln, Guillermo Fernández-Tardón, David Zaridze, Jolanta Lissowska, Beata Swiatkowska, John K. Field, John R. McLaughlin, Paul A. Demers, Tamas Pandics, Franc Esco Forastiere, Eleonora Fabianova, Miriam Schejbalova, Lenka Foretova, Vladimir Janout, Dana Mates, Christine Barul, Thomas Brüning, Thomas Behrens, Kurt Straif, Joachim Schüz, Ann Olsson, Susan Peters
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 2024, vol. 50, p.178-186
Air pollution exposure and mortality from neurodegenerative diseases in the Netherlands Susan Peters, Femke Bouma, Gerard Hoek, Nicole Janssen, Roel Vermeulen
Environmental Research, 2024, vol. 259
Response to the letter to the editor regarding “Mobile phone use and brain tumour risk − COSMOS, a prospective cohort study” Maria Feychting, Joachim Schüz, Mireille B. Toledano, Roel Vermeulen, Anssi Auvinen, Aslak Harbo Poulsen, Isabelle Deltour, Rachel B. Smith, Joel Heller, Hans Kromhout, Anke Huss, Christoffer Johansen, Giorgio Tettamanti, Paul Elliott
Environment International, 2024, vol. 189
Outdoor Ultrafine Particulate Matter and Risk of Lung Cancer in Southern California Rena R. Jones, Jared A. Fisher, Sina Hasheminassab, Joel D. Kaufman, Neal D. Freedman, Mary H. Ward, Constantinos Sioutas, Roel Vermeulen, Gerard Hoek, Debra T. Silverman
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 2024, vol. 209, p.307-315