Profile photo Roderick Venekamp

Roderick Venekamp

Associate Professor

Strategic program(s):


Roderick Paul Venekamp was born on the 21th of June 1983. After his graduation as MD in 2008, he started to combine his GP vocational training with a PhD programme at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care of the UMCU. During this combined programme he also successfully finished a master programme Epidemiology Postgraduate at the UU Graduate School of Life Sciences.

At present, he works as a GP which he combines with an Associate Professor position at the Julius Center. He is principle investigator of the primary care infectious disease reseach group which aims to further improve the evidence base for common infections in primary care.

He is member of the evidENT team at the University College London (UCL) thereby contributing to the strong links between UMCU and UCL.

He is an active reviewer for the Cochrane Collaboration and has joint the editorial team of the Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Group as an Editor in 2014.

He has participated in the 2014 revisions of the practice guidelines on Acute Otitis Media in Children, Otitis Media with Effusion in Children and Acute Rhinosinusitis issued by the Dutch College of GPs.

He is member of the clinical practice guideline Authorisation committee of the Dutch College of GPs and serves as member of the Vaccinations committee of the Health Council of the Netherlands.

He is chair of chamber A/O of the MERC NedMec.

Research groups

Infections in general practice

Research aim

To optimise prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and management of common infections in general practice.
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Epidemiology and clinical trials in infectious diseases

Research aim

To improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases and to establish an international research infrastructure for a rapid scientific response in the face of a new infectious disease threat.
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Recent publications

Development and validation of a risk prediction model for hospital admission in COVID-19 patients presenting to primary care Laure Wynants, Natascha Jh Broers, Tamara N Platteel, Roderick P Venekamp, Dennis G Barten, Mathie Pg Leers, Theo Jm Verheij, Patricia M Stassen, Jochen Wl Cals, Eefje Gpm de Bont
European Journal of General Practice, 2024, vol. 30, p.1-9
Substantial Burden of Nonmedically Attended RSV Infection in Healthy-Term Infants Sarah F Hak, Roderick P Venekamp, Marie-Noëlle Billard, Marlies A van Houten, Andrew J Pollard, Terho Heikkinen, Steve Cunningham, Margaret Millar, Federico Martinón-Torres, Ana Dacosta-Urbieta, Louis J Bont, Joanne G Wildenbeest,
The Journal of infectious diseases, 2024, vol. 229, p.S40-S50
Home-based management of hypoxaemic COVID-19 patients Josi A Boeijen, Alma C van de Pol, Rick T van Uum, Roderick P Venekamp, Karin Smit, Karin A H Kaasjager, Robert van den Broek, Wilma Bijsterbosch, Lisette Schoonhoven, Frans H Rutten, Dorien L M Zwart
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14, p.e079778
Automated, Point-of-Care mobile flow cytometry B. N. Jukema, T. C. Pelgrim, M. Spoelder, C. C.W.G. Bongers, M. T.E. Hopman, K. Smit, M. H. Rijk, R. P. Venekamp, N. Vrisekoop, L. Koenderman
Heliyon, 2024, vol. 10, p.1-13
Incomplete and possibly selective recording of signs, symptoms, and measurements in free text fields of primary care electronic health records of adults with lower respiratory tract infections Merijn H. Rijk, Tamara N. Platteel, Marissa M.M. Mulder, Geert Jan Geersing, Frans H. Rutten, Maarten van Smeden, Roderick P. Venekamp, Tuur M. Leeuwenberg
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2024, vol. 166, p.1-10
NSAID prescribing and adverse outcomes in common infections Beth Stuart, Roderick Venekamp, Hilda Hounkpatin, Sam Wilding, Michael Moore, Paul Little, Martin C Gulliford
BMJ Open, 2024, vol. 14, p.e077365

Fellowships & Awards

2017: Prestigious personal grant (Veni)

2013: SBOH Academisation Prize for the best scientific article written by GP trainee